Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

China Censors USA, Courtesy of the NBA



Well, That Escalated Quickly!

It was only a matter of time before it became a reality.

Less than 24 hours after China canceled multiple NBA contracts over a tweet about Hong Kong, two Philadelphia 76’er fans were booted from an NBA game for holding up signs that said, “FREE HONG KONG.”

Welcome to the world of Chinese censorship in America.

After a pathetic ass kissing move/apology, the spineless NBA big wigs continue to kowtow to the ire of the Chinese…proving that Rich upper class/deep staters don’t give a rip about free speech (or the US Constitution) when it comes to MONEY.

This is beyond disturbing.

It reminds me of a 1984 society where the will of the leader just says no more basketball…only hockey now.

To further illustrate this point, think about this:  What happens if you hold up a sign reading “Free Palestine” at an NBA game?

You’d probably be banned for life and also likely go to jail.

Right now, I can just hear liberal fans crying: “But, But…What does LeBron or Kapernick have to say about this?”


My gut tells me that EVERYONE (Especially sports journalists…Cough! ESPN, Cough! Cough!) involved in sports in America is being told to shut their mouths.

Call me crazy here, but that sounds like the epitome of censorship.

Ironically, (or NOT) the NBA was perfectly fine oppressing North Carolina over their political position on trannies and gender-neutral bathrooms.

And now China pulls a WWA smackdown on the NBA over a tweet supporting the Hong Kong Protests.

In addition to censorship, what this boils down to is, like the NFL, the NBA has chosen its path…and that path is un-American in both tone and action.


Be sure to read how this affects the trade wars and market disruptions in the Chaos of 2020 (HERE).




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