Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Sunday Funnies, If You’re Not Offended…

Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where today we celebrate the anniversary of “Remember, remember, the 5th of November.”


It’s a quote about the Gunpowder Plot which took place on the 5th of November in 1605 when Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators attempted and failed to blow up the Houses Of Parliament.

And if you’ve never seen V for Vendetta (which was a 21st Century version of the Gunpowder Plot) we strongly suggest you watch it.




Because we’re living it in real time today.


And you just can’t make this stuff up.


Speaking of celebration, last week the Texas Rangers won the World Series for the first time in their history.

But in addition to the multitude of records broken in this underrated series, one notable event flew under the radar that falls into the “Oh, the Irony” category.


And it illustrates the poetic justice served up in a way that most Texans understand and appreciate.







Even though it’s early in November, have you noticed that everyone is gearing up for Christmas and ignoring what we believe is one of the most important holidays of the year? Namely, THANKSGIVING.


So, we decided to remind everyone what they have to look forward to BEFORE we celebrate Christmas.







On the freakier/perverse side of events last week, Glamour magazine has named a male-born transgender model as one of its 2023 Women of the Year…proving that there’s not even any novelty anymore.

And this whole farce is just about hatred for real women.







As a result, we decided to do a quick ‘look back’ at women over the last 100+ years to see if we notice any patterns.

And, sure enough…







But let’s not forget how – wedged in between these evolutionary changes in women – we had the 1970s where kids today see pictures of their grandma and still can’t believe their grandmothers did things that seem incomprehensible.

And it was because girls in the 1970s knew who they were and were often unabashed in letting you know it…







Ironically (or NOT) even the most conservative women back then had strong opinions…and were NOT afraid to speak out… and we sure could use a lot more of them today.







And while we’re talking about the 1970s (and for those old enough to remember) not only did we have the best music and the coolest cars; we know that kids today will never experience what cruising around with your girlfriend was like Before Bucket Seats (BBS).







And that’s precisely why we publish the Sunday Funnies.


You see, we use our funnies/memes/cartoons to counter the madness and frustration that accompanies Turbulent Times.



Because when it is all said and done, we all need to laugh every now and then.


Laughter is good for your soul.

And it’s healthy to be a bit silly…especially in the face of fear mongering, medical tyranny, and especially the threat of WWIII.

It’s even more reason why we won’t apologize…especially if our Funnies just happen to hurt some Progressive/Socialist/Communist/Globalist’s feeeellwwings.


And please remember:


The Sunday Funnies are not just about our nations bizarre state of politics/finance/beliefs.

It’s about awareness of what’s happening in the world that we choose to poke fun at.


And, if our funnies/memes/cartoons/etc. provide you with a laugh or two – and/or open your eyes to some stark realities – then we consider that a victory.


So, when things tend to get a bit overwhelming, we believe it’s best to remember that Humor is Waaaayyyyy better than Hatred…which is contrary to what the world wants you to believe.

And we hope you see the Sunday Funnies as a refreshing oasis in the middle of a parched, dry, and increasingly dark world that we’re living in.

As always, we remind you: As difficult as things might appear, Evil Always Overplays its Hand…And Righteousness Prevails.

Thanks again for joining us on this crazy journey we’re on and remember America Was Built by the Brave, Not by the Fearful…


P.S.  The Madness Ends WHEN WE SAY: “NO!”


…and WE means a majority.









Like it or Not, Entrepreneurs Always Find a Way to Capitalize On Trends…










And Just Like Entrepreneurs, Smart Aleks (and Meme Creators) Also Capitalize on Current Events










At Last, the Anti-Vegans Poster










On a More Serious Note, Meat Lovers (who want to be “organic”) Run Into Obstacles










Add This to the List of ‘Differences Between Boys and Girls’ Because It’s Sooooo True…










When Critical Thinking People Listen to Liberals Blather on About Inclusivity, Wokeness, O’Biden, etc.










Speaking of Liberals, If You Want to Trigger Your Liberal Friends, Show Them This…










As an Add-On, Be Sure to Show This to Your Friends/Family Members Who Claim to be Logical AND an Atheist…










And While We Are On the Subject of Logic…










Is Anyone (besides us) Wondering Why the Recent Story of the Shooter in Lewiston, Maine Has All But Disappeared?










Sometimes an Expression Says it All









Has This Happened to You Recently?










And What You Should Do When Buying an Extremely Over-Priced Cup of Coffee and Pastry










Before the Global Warming Zealots Changed It’s Name to “Climate Change”










And Then, in the Late 1980s, The UN Got in On the Global Warming Scam With Their Own Bogus Predictions… P. S. We’re Still Waiting










A Brief Evolution of Eggs…Proving the Flaws in “Trust the Science”










Ironically (or NOT) Noah’s Fact Checkers All Drowned










For Anyone Who Has Visited La Paz, Bolivia…or Any Other High-Altitude City










It’s What Happens When You Scroll Through Too Many Memes…










How the Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce Romance Ends…










How Stoners Got High Before They Had Bowls










And Just in Case You Forgot…















That’s all for this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies.

Unless, of course, you want to see more risqué and/or NSFW memes… you can find them (HERE).


And throughout the Political Chaos of 2023, you can rest assured we’ll poke fun at many of the headline grabbers every weekend, as usual.


As always, we hope you enjoy our memes/cartoons/rants etc. and that they bring a smile to your face.

We love to hear your comments so keep ‘em coming.

And although the world seems pretty dark these days, we encourage you to see why you have a lot to hope for in 2023 and beyond (HERE).


In the meantime, be sure to share these funnies with friends and family members.

Caution: They may get offended.

But remind them…It’s important to laugh together and laugh often.

And be sure to tell them…


We’re Not Just About Finance…but we use finance to give you hope.

See You Next Sunday…

Invest with confidence.
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
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