Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Getting Presstitutes to Report the Truth

Regardless of how you slice it getting presstitutes to report the truth today has become laughable.

Cue up: Elon Musk’s ‘Twitter Files’ exposing the rigging of the 2020 election.

And the soon to be released findings on Covid including:

  1. The information on the suspension of many doctors and scientists who challenged the Fauci narrative
  2. Who – in the O’Biden administration – was involved
  3. And the suppression of what has turned out to be factual information…like the Medical Tyranny Boyz criticizing the use of Ivermectin and then denying they ever criticized it




It was pretty obvious how Big Pharma Boyz were threatened by what they called “horse paste” and used their bought-and-paid-for Presstitutes to do their dirty work.

But the vast majority of the Mainstream Media are the very people who have conspired with the government to circumvent the First Amendment.

Report the Truth

And it’s sad to say how these low-life’s don’t even care about reporting the truth anymore.

If you’ve been reading our posts for a while, you know we’re not Elon Musk fans.

However, he is exposing the ugly corruption of the LEFT by releasing Twitter docs that prove beyond question that the LEFT is always EVIL.


You want proof?


Emails between an employee at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Twitter have revealed that at least one CDC staff member and the US Census Bureau had access to Twitter’s dedicated “Partner Support Portal” which allows approved government partners to flag content to Twitter for censorship.

In Plain English this means that the government has violated the First Amendment right to Free Speech.


And their deliberate acts to circumvent/violate the First Amendment – by pretending that it is the private sector that is engaging in the Cancel Culture and not the government – have been exposed.

But the problem we face is getting the press to report the truth.

And that’s because they are the very people who have conspired with the government to circumvent the First Amendment.

Who Reports the Truth?


So, besides Elon Musk revealing Twitter Corruption/Collusion, what media out there is reporting the truth?

The LEFT will never be satisfied just separating us.

In their mind they must oppress and crush all freedom.


And if you think that’s an exaggeration just pick up a history book and you will see how there has NEVER been an exception to their end goal.

This continues to add fuel to the fire of the collapse of confidence in government that we’ve been pounding the table about for years.


READ: Collapse in Confidence and Its Impact on Investing June 3, 2021


Learn how to hedge your investments against the coming collapse of confidence in government in our December issue of “…In Plain English”(HERE).

And share this with a friend…even if they don’t like Elon Musk.

They’ll thank YOU later.

Remember:   We’re Not Just About Finance.

But we use finance to give you hope.



Invest with confidence.
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
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