After far too many years of secrecy, the Boyz finally unsealed the JFK files.
And they confirmed what we have all suspected for decades…that the CIA killed Kennedy.
As a young boy growing up in Ohio, I remember watching live TV with my father when Lee Harvey Oswald was shot in-cold-blood by Jack Ruby and my dad yelled, “Oh my God! Someone just shot that man.”
And from that point on, everything changed in America.
But we were too naïve to know it.
And based on what we have seen so far from the JFK files, it is hard to dispute all the conspiracy theories about Kenndy and subsequently his brother Bobby Kennedy.
The more I read of these files, the more it seems apparent that the CIA were trying to frame the Soviets/Cuba for JFK’s assassination, to cover their tracks and create broader war.
And it seems like the CIA were trying to establish the idea that Oswald was connected to the Soviets/Cubans.
It’s like they were trying to make it obvious.
Maybe I am way off base here, and perhaps the Soviets/Cubans did play a role, but it seems like the CIA were trying to steer the conversation towards blaming the Soviets.
And my reasoning is that after JFK’s death, LBJ escalated Vietnam and gave the CIA their next war to launder money from.
In case you missed it was a war that JFK did not want, despite many in the intelligence community pushing for it.
You can see how the CIA tried to drag the US directly into war in Cuba
But JFK refused to do it…and then he averted nuclear war.
Then the CIA tried to drag the US directly into the war in Vietnam, and JFK refused to do it.
JFK was repeatedly standing in the way of the CIA from utilizing their business model, also known as, war.
The Soviets did not benefit from JFK’s assassination, but the CIA did.
Soviet PM Khrushchev respected JFK after the Cuban missile crisis, and viewed him as a rational counterpart.
More Than JFK Files
Meanwhile, LBJ was an impulsive war hawk.
The Soviets did not express joy after JFK’s death, they expressed concern.
And things only got worse for the Soviets geopolitically after JFK’s death, and the CIA only continued to get more powerful.
Obviously there is no smoking gun that proves this definitively.
It is just an observation based on what we are seeing from the files, and a scenario we believe is worthy of consideration.
Ironically (or NOT) the mood over these revelations is eerily quiet.
And maybe it’s because it all happened soooo long ago.
What else are the hiding?
Find out by reading:
Spending Over $1 Trillion on DEI to Build Back Better
…And how we managed to dodge one of the deadliest bullets in our nation’s history
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