It used to be that being a conspiracy theorist was limited to, nut jobs, wacko’s, and fringe extremists wearing tin-foil hats.
But today, you’re labeled a conspiracy theorist when you question any topic that disagrees with TPTB agenda.
Example: Try questioning the effects – or side effects – of experimental vaccines.
Ironically (or NOT) simply mentioning the word “experimental” will:
- Cause you to be labeled a “Conspiracy Theorist”
- Once that happens, it allows everyone to simply refuse to provide any independent proof that anything is trustworthy
But IF the vaccines are not experimental then what are they?
Consider this…Big Pharma got a “Get Out of Jail Free” card by pushing their “Covid Vaccines” through in less than eight months.
(It’s normally a 2–3-year process)
Because of Frauduci’s recommendations?
Fact: NEVER in over 6,000 years of recorded history has any doctor EVER advocated shutting down the economy and society.
And yet YOU get called a conspiracy theorist if you question their claims.
Conspiracy Theorist Abounding
Here’s the problem.
We have highly qualified doctors warning that these vaccines may have serious implications going forward.
Some of the warnings include making people more susceptible to other diseases and claiming it will reduce fertility.
Can you say: “Population Control?”
Ironically (or NOT) it’s the Whores-Of-Babble-On Media Presstitutes who have blood on their hands.
Because they REFUSE to report the truth.
And they continue to push this CovidFraud nonsense that, in reality, is a cover for climate change.
Making things worse, they fail to point out that all the health organizations have been compromised.
And, as you know, politicians never admit they made a mistake.
Bottom line; the government, is in cahoots with the media.
And they’re not protecting the population at all.
Globalists Conspiracy Theorists
Do you remember, “We need two weeks to FLATTEN the CURVE?”
Ironically (or NOT) here we are (one year later) and the fear mongering has intensified.
Next thing you know they’ll start talking about Covid-Passports for travel.
Oh, Wait!
When the panic over this CoronaFraud settles down, the Globalist agenda of “Climate Change” will take central stage.
It’s been their hidden agenda all along.
And we’ve written numerous articles about it.
They’re in our archives.
Even if you don’t think you qualify as a conspiracy theorist, you should read our Tin-Foil Times column in our monthly newsletter. (HERE).
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