Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

NY Times Half-A**ed Covid Apology

We normally do not read too many Main Stream media articles.  But we couldn’t resist an editorial featuring the NY Times half-assed apology over Covid.

Their theme/headline was the epitome of hypocrisy claiming:


We Were Badly Misled About the Event That Changed Our Lives


In a word…it’s bullshit.


They claimed (in a matter-of-fact tone) what we’ve all known for years — that despite being the overwhelmingly most “common sense” place to look, the Covid-19 lab leak theory was dismissed by scientists and public health officials.


READ:  (Over 38 articles about Covid Corruption) HERE


And these were the same people who suppressed discussions and misled the public to maintain the appearance of consensus.


We have a question for the NY Times:


Now that you’ve concluded your earth-shattering revelation about Covid, where could find all of the culprits who badly misled us, while parroting the government’s narrative on Covid, for the last 5 years?




Let me put it this way.

Thanks to the lying Presstitutes (who never did any real journalism throughout the fake pandemic) we went from how the UNVAXXED:


  • Are killing people and should be immediately fired from their jobs
  • They should be given dishonorable discharges from the military
  • They were forced shut into their houses, shunned by family, shunned by friends, denial of medical care
  • And not allowed to visit dying parents/grandparents
  • Not allowed to travel.
  • Booted from Universitys, doxxed, censored, unpersoned, loss of certifications/licenses
  • In addition, not allowed to buy food, banned from restaurants, your children taken from you, to be rounded up into camps…


NY Times Half-Assed Apology


So now these so-called journalists are saying…


“My bad. No hard feelings!  I really didn’t mean it! It was such a crazy time! No one forced you!!!”




We are not buying it.

The entire lot of them are traitors and mass murdering Marxists…who somehow feel they are entitled to forgiveness.


This half-assed apology would (MAYBE) carry more weight if it came from the managing editor (or higher).

Instead, it came from some “editorial” flunky who may be fired tomorrow for it.

AND – if they really wanted to come clean – start admitting other SINS.

Because they have decades of partisan lies to atone for.


Unfortunately, they will probably never admit that COVID was an in-your-face smitten demonstration of authoritarian global rule by TPTB.

And it was engineered with all countries operating in sync.

They had the same lock-downs, travel bans, and color-code charts for reopening, and the same only the vaccine can save us rhetoric…plus exemptions of course for essential travel for TPTB.

And as we predicted at the time, the COVID travel pass is now becoming a permanent reality – e.g. the EU Entry/Exit System (EES) and the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), and recently announced – e.g. The US I-94 and B1/B2 visas.


READ:  (Over 38 articles about Covid Corruption) HERE


This is people tracking…plain and simple.

So, prepare to get chipped if you want to travel to Europe.


Is it any wonder why the global economy is in such a mess?

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Be sure to read Spending Over $1 Trillion on DEI to Build Back Better in our March newsletter (HERE).


Share this with a friend…especially if they read the NY Times.  They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


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