The Democrats reaction to Trumps speech to Congress on Tuesday night was another glaring example of them driving another nail in their coffin.
Ironically (or NOT) we have said in the past that the Democrat party will most likely self-destruct in the near future.
READ: Maxine Waters Hatred is Against Democrats…June 25, 2018 (HERE)
Unlike Mad Maxines rant about assaulting Trump supporters, Tuesdays speech seemed like (at times) something right out of The Simpsons cartoon.
Starting with…
Al Greene getting tossed out of the House for having a temper tantrum and acting like an old man yelling and waving his cane.
Maybe this is how the Democrats plan on rebranding themselves…
Then we had the “What is a woman” crowd wearing pink shirts, supposedly representing support of feminism, one day after they voted to block a bill that prevents male transgenders from competing in women’s sports.
OH! The IRONY/Hypocrisy.
But, true to form, Trump had them fuming when he said that schools that allow a “man” to join the “girls’ team, the school will lose all federal funding – simple!”
Nailed it…pun intended.
Nail in the Coffin
But what we believe was the Democrats final nail in the coffin – and the most egregious part of their collective Tuesday night tantrum – was their refusal to stand, or clap, for a 13-year-old kid who survived brain cancer, and became an honorary Secret Service agent.
Heartless and/or soulless would be an understatement.
Shudder to Think IF…
Just think, if Kamala would have won, she would be giving an honorary badge to a transgender illegal who drowned a 12-year-old white girl who dared to not use the correct pronoun.
And every Democrat would have been applauding like a drunken seal.
On a brighter note, our articulate White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt on X, summed it up nicely:
“Tonight, President Trump absolutely owned the moment. He showed the world why the American people overwhelmingly re-elected him to serve in the highest office in the land… President Trump is restoring common sense. The renewal of the American Dream is well underway, and we are just getting started!”
Thank you, Karoline.
You are 100% spot-on.
And it is almost as if we are witnessing poetic justice in real time.
Because it has become obvious that the Dems have listened to their most radical fringe supporters and decided to keep pushing the same issues that lost them the election in Nov.
As a result, they will most likely continue supporting this kind of garbage.
And in the process continue to drive more nails into their coffin, while looking like escapees from the loony bin.
So, Welcome back 47.
We missed you and are glad you remain committed to Making America Great Again.
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And be sure to take steps to hedge your investments in the event of WW3 (HERE).
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