The desperation/insanity is getting out of hand now that Zelensky is saying that America must sent troops.
Does he mean that the $136 Billion we’ve already sent isn’t enough?
And in addition to berating AND threatening Americans – for not being supportive of his money-laundering – he had the nerve to say:
“The US will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way as we are sending our sons and daughters to war…because it’s NATO that we’re talking about, and they will be dying.”
But here’s what’s most disturbing.
Ukraine is so desperate, they will most likely stage a false flag using chemical weapons on their own people to justify NATO coming in.
However, Russia has no need to use chemical weapons.
According to the TASS news agency, Ukraine has already lost over 250,000 troops and have another 35,000 missing in action.
Of course, Ukraine is claiming innocence.
At the same time, they’ve recently launched a drone attack in Belarus to destroy Russian planes stationed there.
This is in addition to drone attacks inside Russia.
Ironically (or NOT) our military is screaming at O’Biden – and have made it very clear – that they do not want boots on the ground in Ukraine to fight Russia.
Must Send Troops?
And yet, the little pimp/comedian is crying that:
We must send troops
In addition, we’re hearing reports that the Pentagon is desperately trying to track US weapons that were sent to Ukraine.
Returning volunteer soldiers are reporting that Ukrainians are selling our weapons on the black market.
So, of the $136 Billion we’ve already sent – which doesn’t include Janet Yellen’s additional $10 Billion pledge – why can’t we account for where the money or weapons are located?
This is outright insanity.
It’s hard to imagine that we would be the aggressor in the proxy war against Russia.
But the Neocons – who have infiltrated the White House – have made it perfectly clear they have no intention of seeking peace.
As we’ve said many times before…This will not end well.
Bottom line?
If you haven’t already done so, prepare for war.
And one of the ways to prepare for war is by protecting your investments from the inevitable market volatility.
Learn more about it (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they have kids who might have to go and die in Ukraine.
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