Without a doubt I’ll soon feel the wrath from the Vagina Hat Wearing Crowd for this email.
The subject line alone is like throwing gasoline on a towering inferno.
However, those of you who choose to see past the alleged inflammatory subject line, will hopefully get my point.
The following is a classic example of what I’m trying to illustrate:

Organizers of the Women’s March in Humbolt, Ca announced they’ve cancelled the local Jan 19 event because the marchers are overwhelmingly…white.
I have nothing against women or anyone choosing to march for a cause they believe in, but, to cancel an organized march because the majority of participants are WHITE just plain smacks of racism.
That in itself, defeats the purpose of striving for equality.
Here’s the flaw in their thinking.
Women are NOT EQUAL to men.
Simultaneously, men are NOT EQUAL to women.
Each have their own strengths and weaknesses.
And, like anything else, to get the most out of your strength, you need to focus on that strength…not your weakness.
Let me illustrate:
If a baseball pitcher (man or woman) has a great fastball, they would be foolish to concentrate on their curve ball.
Let me try another.
In their quest for equality, women’s movements have morphed to the point of blowback especially in the transgender segment.
Recently tennis legend, Martina Navratilova, was criticized for saying she believed it was wrong that a high school transgender (Mack Beggs) won his/her second Texas state girls wrestling championship.
I agree.
This boy(?) has a huge advantage over the girls he wrestles.
In the political arena, we now have a newly elected female Congresscritter calling our President a Mother-F**ker in public.
How is that empowering women?
In reality it hurts women’s movements.
And what’s really sad is they can’t see the forest from the trees.
2019 The Political Year From Hell is just getting tuned up folks…and there are major cracks in our system.
Learn how it’s unfolding right before your eyes (HERE).
And share this with a Vagina Hat Wearing crowd member at your own risk.
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