Many people still don’t to admit that Trump was right about his views on ‘Wokeness’ claiming it is all about division.
But when you see it in action, there’s hardly any denying it’s destructive nature.
Cue up: the so-called Inflation Reduction Act.
On Saturday former presidential candidate and proud socialist, Sanders attacked President Brandon’s Inflation Reduction Act for failing to live up to its name.
“I want to take a moment to say a few words about the so-called Inflation Reduction Act that we are debating this evening.
“I say so-called because according to the CBO and other economic organizations that have studied this bill, it will in fact have a minimal impact on inflation.“
You know it’s gotta be bad when even Bernie Sanders mocks the Democrats Inflation Reduction Act.
All About Division
Sad to say that in the past, politicians used to be able to work together to solve important issues.
Not anymore.
Instead, they’re hell bent on division.
And ‘Wokeness’ is at the heart of it.
Our leaders not only preach war, but they also seek to divide our nation by turning brother against brother until our civilization exists no more.
Classic Example About Division
The Democrats have exploited every distinction to separate and divide us while they’re currently seeking 5 years imprisonment for those who only entered the capitol and took selfies.
All of this to paint their opposition with hatred.
As a result, the very cornerstone of civilization of bringing people together – because it is mutually beneficial to all – has been broken.
Consequently, we must now plan for what comes after this house-cleaning that’s taking place right under our collective noses.
Ironically (or NOT) creepy academics – such as Klaus Schwab – have always presented the greatest threat to societies.
Schwab and his Great Reset Boyz at the World Economic Forum seek to turn our corporations into fascist limbs of the state.
And it’s all in the name of ‘Wokeness’ while suppressing human rights.
Even Putin said that ‘Wokeness’ is what destroyed Russia.
In the meantime, the division that’s taking place has set in motion dramatic changes in cultural shifts around the globe.
On the brighter side, this will present opportunities of a lifetime for those with ears to hear.
Learn more about those opportunities (HERE).
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