Whether the Big Tech Whores-Of-Babble-On media Presstitutes pick up and report on the Wokeness of Coke remains to be seen.
However, Coca Cola has admitted they’ve been training employees to “Try To Be Less White.”
And for the sake of repetition try to imagine what the reaction would be if Coke – or any other company/organization – had the balls to say “Try To Be Less Black/Hispanic/Asian etc.”
This entire “White Man Bad” campaign is totally politically driven.
And these cretins want you to believe that America is divided by race, color or sexual orientation.
“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing”
~Malcolm X~
However – and partly thanks to deplorables – America is rapidly becoming more divided into wise people and fools.
And it’s the fools who divide themselves by race, color, gender, or sexual orientation.
Cokeness And Wokeness
So, the takeaway here is that a company that’s been selling a product for human consumption for more than 100 years – which has no nutritional value and could be proven to be toxic to human health – has now become the pillar for the moral high ground?
As we are wont to say: “Follow the Money!”
Diversity Training sold to Corporate and Government entities in the USA – by white females and minority owners of these Diversity Training seminars – is the most profitable non-technical consulting that a liberal AND minority can do.
And best of all, Diversity Training by these “so called” experts is like a WOKE Passport for US Corporate Interests.
It keeps Brand Destroying protests, and WOKE-ness away from their doors.
And it makes their Board of Directors very happy.
Are you seeing a pattern here?
Maybe Coke should use less white sugar?
Or maybe this a sign that we should boycott Coke…and boycott anything that’s anti-white.
Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, it’s time to croak the woke crowd with their same own stupidity.
What if we all start saying: “Go WOKE & say no to COKE!”
Or, #WokeCokeGoBroke.
You never know?
Those may become the battle cries for organizations like WallStreetBets (aka the Redditt Rebels) as they short the crap out of Coca Cola (Symbol KO).
If so, buy Pepsi (symbol PEP) instead.
And if you’re interested in knowing why “short sellers” are actually good for the market, be sure to read our upcoming March newsletter (HERE).
In the meantime, let’s resurrect/reword one of the worlds’ most famous Coke jingles: “I’d Like to Short the World of Coke…It’s the Reeaall Thing…
So share this with someone who drinks Coke OR Pepsi.
And tell them We’re Not Just About Finance.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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