The acronym for WOKE – Willingly Overlooking Known Evil – isn’t something we created.
But, like most great acronyms, it hits the nail on the head.
And like Anheuser Bush recently discovered, going woke is often a prelude to going broke…and/or simply losing billions in revenue and destroying your main client base in the process.
Rightfully so.
Ironically (or NOT) we often get criticized for mentioning the term “Evil.”
So, for the record, we looked up the definition of evil.
And the first three descriptions of it were:
- Morally wrong or bad; Immoral; Wicked: Evil deeds; an evil life
- Harmful; Detrimental: evil laws
- Characterized or accompanied by misfortune or suffering; unfortunate; disastrous
And just for funzies, we looked up the definition for righteous and found the following definitions:
- Characterized by uprightness or morality
- Morally right or justifiable
- Acting in an upright, moral way.
Notice the difference?
And when we hear criticism over using words like “evil, righteous, WOKE,” etc., it tells us that we hurt some snowflakes feeeellllwings.
Willingly Overlooking
Suffice it to say we find it funny when people – who make a point of Willingly Overlooking Known Evil – can’t (or won’t) see the fault in being WOKE, get upset when disaster strikes their agenda.
Which begs the question: What’s so difficult to understand about Evil begets Evil?
For some warped/WOKE reason our society has decided that before making any decision we must first consider: “What will minorities think?”
How dumb can you get and still breathe?
Maybe we should think like our Founding Fathers thought when they created our Constitution.
Instead wondering what minorities think before they made major decisions they thought: “What would God think?”
Sad to say, most people today don’t realize that the foundations of America we’re based on Biblical standards.
And as a result, our Constitutional Republic (not a Democracy) has lasted over 14 TIMES LONGER than historical averages of 17 years.
Go ahead and fact check it.
And while you’re at it be sure to check the track record of success for anyone Willingly Overlooking Known Evil.
It will make you wonder if the inmates are truly running the asylum.
And be sure to read “How to Avoid a Constant State of Agitation in a Woke World” in our May Newsletter (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they hate the WOKE agenda.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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