Now that Ukraine has failed TWO TIMES to assassinate Putin with a drone attack, the question becomes “Will Zelensky be assassinated?
Because on Wednesday, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that the overnight drone attack on the Kremlin has left Moscow with no options but to “eliminate” Ukrainian President Zelensky and his “clique”.
It’s interesting to note that Zelensky is currently in Finland and vehemently denying the recent attack.
But he also said that there will be no negotiating with Russia unless Putin is removed. *
(* Note: On March 4, 2022 Neocon Lindsey Graham actually called for Russia to assassinate Putin)
READ: Pray Putin is Not Overthrown March 31, 2022
So, let’s not kid ourselves here.
Zelensky is desperate to create WW3…and begging for more money.
Because Ukraine is losing the war.
And he has somehow blown through HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS that have been sent to Ukraine from Western nations.
But if you listen to the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes* you’d think that Russia is losing.
(* The American Press has become our enemy…as evidenced by the recent antics of allegedly conservative FOX News)
What IF Zelensky is Assassinated?
The failure to assassinate Putin may now result in a shift in his tactics.
Because up until now Putin has been the most restrained leader in Russia…unlike most of his cabinet who are ready to nuke Ukraine.
And in case you forgot, Zelensky called for a missile attack on Moscow on February 24th …which was the first anniversary of Russia coming to the aid of the civil war – instigated by the US Neocons in 2014 – against the Donbas region.
But he was told to stand down.
As a result, he’s been screaming at NATO ever since to bring in more troops.
Bottom Line: You can only poke a Bear so many times before he strikes back with a vengeance.
Translation: Even if Zelensky is not assassinated, things are going to get a lot worse for Ukraine.
Unfortunately, the Ukrainian citizens will suffer the most from Russian retaliation.
So, don’t be surprised if Zelensky somehow miraculously escapes Ukraine to hide out in his Florida mansion.
And he’ll be protected 24/7 with our resources and tax dollars.
Fed up yet?
If not, just wait until the Boyz start to come after anyone who expresses any dissent over this war.
Think we’re kidding?
Lawmakers in Ireland have already passed legislation that will make it a crime to possess “Hateful” content on your phone/computer which can result in prison time.
Learn more about it in our May newsletter (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they aren’t afraid to speak their opinion.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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