Battle lines are being drawn over the 2024 election and we believe the Supreme Court will decide the outcome.
So far, the Democrats have said they WILL NOT accept/certify a Trump victory…even if he wins.
Translation: If Trump wins, the George Floyd/BLM “Peaceful Protests” will look like a picnic by comparison.
And the republicans are going to extreme measures to avoid election rigging and voter fraud.
Good luck with that.
You know things are really bad when several Kennedy family members publish an ad saying that they do not support RFK Jr. and that they are not endorsing him.
But the Kennedy’s ad to not endorse RFK Jr. pales by comparison to Tim Walz’s family posting a photo of them wearing T-Shirts saying “Walz’s For Trump” on them.
The photo has gone viral on social media.
And probably will the title of “Troll of the Year” award.
Ironically (or NOT) the Gaslighting Presstitutes will deny and/or lie about its existence.
As a result, this election will be so bitterly contested that it will probably end up in the courts…including the Supreme Court.
But…and this is a very Big Butt…
If a Democrat or a Republican appointed the judge rules, the loser would argue that the decision was political.
Because the LEFT knows it has been losing, and instead of questioning its philosophies, it intends to win by any means possible.
Cue Up: Acting Judge Juan Merchan who may sentence Trump to prison on September 18th.
Merchan and his illegally appointed prosecutor Fat Albert Alvin Bragg Jr. have proven that fair trials in NYC are simply impossible.
And that they are interested in one thing only – stopping Trump from becoming president.
Supreme Court Decides?
Who would have thought we would be witnessing such hatred and derogatory comments dividing the country?
Unfortunately, we are reaching that point where it will be impossible to mend…even if the Supreme Court decides the outcome.
And this is why we have been saying that the 2024 election may be the last election in America.
Because the way this is going, our next election will be more like the recent Venezuelan election.
Let’s hope not.
Meanwhile, expect to hear more lies and fabrications from the Presstitutes to make you think Kamalama is actually winning in the polls.
Remember: The Markets Don’t Like Uncertainty.
Translation: It’s time to hedge and/or insure your portfolio.
Learn two simple ways to hedge in our September edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they say “It can’t happen in this country.” They’ll thank YOU later.
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