If we have a market meltdown that is worse than the Trump Haters meltdown than we are all in big trouble.
But the truth is the whole idea of a market meltdown doesn’t appear high on the probability list.
However, the Trump Haters meltdown is a different story
Because they suffer from a severe case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
And we bring this up for several reasons:
- Doom and Gloomers have been calling for a market meltdown for years…to no avail.
- Trump haters meltdown is in the early stages…and is assured of gaining momentum as Trump takes over.
- Big/Smart money ALWAYS gravitates to safety especially when the world becomes unstable.
- The rest of the world will soon realize (if it hasn’t already) that America is still the safest place in the world to put your money.
And just like the Trump haters in America, the Globalists are having meltdowns over Trump.
Meanwhile, everyone and their brother in the Kamalama camp are busy blaming each other for her loss.
And just like the haters with TDS, their blaming is to no avail.
Ironically (or NOT) they still can’t figure out that Trump’s victory was not a voting accident.
Working class America looked at their grocery bills, gas, bills, etc., and rejected Kamalama.
Market Meltdown in 3…2…1…
Let’s go back to that “Market Meltdown” for a minute.
We are not saying that stocks are cheap by any means.
But…and this is a Very VERY Big Butt…
The markets always move in the direction that frustrates the most people.
So, don’t get hung up when you hear the guru wannabes say how the markets “Should” do this or that.
Because even though some sectors of the markets are due for a spanking (Cough! Tech, Cough! Cough!) there are also niches that will prosper and thrive.
Once again, we don’t believe the market meltdown will surpass the Trump haters meltdown.
But we’re enjoying the show nonetheless.
And, true to form, Trump is expressing his thankfulness to all the parties involved in his historic victory.
And if you have been reading our columns for a while you know we have been saying how you should expect volatility to explode with a Trump win.
But most people mistakenly think volatility is limited to the markets going down.
So, remember it can be very volatile going up as well.
Learn how to prosper AND thrive in volatile markets in our November issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
And share this with a friend…even if they suffer from TDS. They may or may not thank YOU later…but it’s worth it knowing they will be triggered.
And tell them:
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