Notice the subject line of this email didn’t read “Will Cyber-Attacks CAUSE WW III?”
However, the Big Tech Media Presstitutes will continue to try and convince you that cyber-attacks are the culprit that starts WW III.
And if you’re paying attention the default mechanism for a cyber-attack is always “Those Mean Russians/ Chinese are to blame.”
Unfortunately, far too many people still read, listen to, and believe the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes.
And, so far in 2021, Cyber Attacks seem to be the weapon of preference to shake, rattle, and roll most of the markets.
But what’s funny is how most people can’t even distinguish between a digital currency and blockchain cryptocurrency.
Here’s a Short and Sweet translation:
- A digital currency (credit or debit charges) is not traceable other than its one-time transaction.
- Block-chain cryptocurrencies ARE traceable (despite their claims of complete privacy)
Why else would governments want to get involved with cryptos?
Klaus Schwab – and his Great Reset Agenda – is using his World Economic Forum (WEF) to end paper money and moving to cryptocurrencies – not digital.
His reasoning? To eliminate cybercriminals.
Government Cyber-Attacks
Translation: If that happens, only the government will be able to get away with cyber-attacks.
With blockchain, the government would be able to trace the money to the criminal.
But wait!
There’s more.
These Boyz will then be able to track and ensure that everyone pays taxes on everything they ever dreamed of.
And that’s why the Boyz are constantly warning of cyber-attacks.
They want to end commerce as we know it.
Here’s another tidbit they don’t want you to know: Bitcoin – using blockchain – allows the government to trace every person who had that Bitcoin in the flow of money.
Seeing a pattern here?
These Globalists are desperate to get Russia and China into their Great Reset plan.
But that AIN’T Gonna Happen.
China knows that the World Reserve Currency status is already shifting from the US to China.
It’s baked in the cake…and it’s only a matter of time.
(Read: China vs. the World…It’s All About BRI)
Food Shortages and Cyber Attacks
Keep in mind that Cyber-Attacks also accelerate shortages.
And this plays right into our call of 2021, When the Great Reset and Food Shortages Hit Home theme.
Learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times in our June issue of “…In Plain English” HERE).
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They’ll thank YOU later.
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