As calloused as this may sound, when it comes to the stock market, your feelings don’t matter.
Ironically (or NOT) this is also true about your opinions.
Let me explain.
How many times have you said – or heard someone say – “I hate that company and will never buy their stock” and then watch that stock skyrocket?
If that’s you, don’t feel bad.
We’ve all made the mistake thinking that our opinion is what makes the markets move.
And many have gone broke in the process.
The truth is – and has always been – the markets don’t care what you think NOR about your opinion.
But somehow Wall Street’s bought-and-paid-for media Presstitutes play on your emotions in order to get you to Zig while they Zag.
And that’s precisely why the 1% need the 99% to be wrong in order for them to make fortunes at YOUR expense.
Your Feelings Don’t Matter
Unfortunately, this is also true when you consider how the corruption of public opinion via The Poison of Politics has accelerated our nation’s decline into tyranny.
And thanks to the nefarious agenda of the Globalist’s Great Reset, we’re been led to believe our “Opinions” matter…as long as they line up with their perverse way of thinking.
Our call of 2021, When the Great Reset and Food Shortages Hit Home, is a classic example of how immaturity locks you into ignorance.
And in the process, leads you to believe that your opinion matters.
Look around you. Have food prices skyrocketed?
And just like the majority who’ve missed out on The Most Hated Bull Market in History, the inability to discern good from evil will wreak havoc on those who don’t have “Ears to Hear.”
This all ties in with how we constantly preach that Everything is Connected…Everything.
And until you learn to see the world – and especially the markets – with a different set of eyes, you’ll be a victim of why your feelings don’t matter.
Don’t be a victim of Wall Street and Washington’s “Club Members.”
Instead, read “The Politics of Poison” … Has the Final Chapter Arrived for the Global Financial System? in our October newsletter (HERE).
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And tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.
P. S. This Message is approved by Brandon
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