After ranting for over two years on the West’s Proxy War with Russia, we are not surprised at a recent headline over Ukraine’s total failure…
Ukraine Army Chief Admits ‘Tactical’ Retreat Underway
Oleksandr Syrskyi (Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine) has just issued a new dire assessment confirming widespread international reports that Ukraine forces are getting beaten back from the frontlines.
“In general, the enemy achieved certain tactical successes in these areas, but could not gain operational advantages,” Syrskyi said, noting too that Russia has been able to pour additional manpower into the east with ease.
Translation: This is a reality check:
- With the death count currently over 600,000 men, women, children, and soldiers
- Combined with over 10 million Ukrainians fleeing the country
- Ukraine cannot recruit any more soldiers 18-30 years old (they are either dead or gone) so they are trying to enlist 16-year-old kids and 65-year-old men
- Ukrainian officials are warning that any new shipments of weapons and supplies are likely too little, too late.
Ironically (or NOT) this was announced only days after O’Biden signed into effect an additional $61 billion defense aid package for Ukraine.
Ironically (or NOT…Again) according to the MSM Presstitutes and Langley trolls… this is what winning looks like.
Sadly, and technically, to them, this is exactly what winning looks like.
Because this was always about gaining ground for NATO and the EU, regardless of how many dead Ukrainians it would cost.
They purposedly militarized an area that was neutral and confiscated a bunch of valuable farm land while killing off 600,000 + of the natives.
And NATO even got a few more sucker members because of evil Russia.
And they intimidated those nations convincing them to be afraid and pay us…we’ll keep your pipelines safe!
Meanwhile, the crossdressing little pimp, Zelensky’s days are numbered.
Because there is no way someone can stand on a pile of bodies that tall without consequences.
Especially not when they have done it for their own personal gains (Cough! Mansions all over the world, Cough! South Beach, Cough! Cough!).
And based on what we’ve been saying about the lying and corruption, we’re not surprised Ukraine is admitting defeat.
In fact, we believe Syrskyi never ordered any retreat.
Solders stopped obeying orders.
So of course, to maintain a semblance of control, Syrskyi must pretend this was his grand strategy, all along.
Unfortunately, this is going to get much worse before it gets better.
And you can rest assured the Presstitutes will cover up as much as possible.
But we won’t.
So, be sure to read our upcoming May edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE) to learn how to invest for WW3.
Share this with a friend…especially if they’ve been waving Ukrainian flags in support of this awful war.
They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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