March 2025
March 3, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Why Wall Street is Honest Compared to Walmart   


Not only is Wall Street honest compared to Walmart, it’s legitimately honest compared to 99% of all other businesses.

Wait!  What?

Yes, you read that right.

It’s simple to prove.  But first, you must realize that you’re hearing this from a 38-year veteran of the industry.

And you can rest assured that the entire staff at Financial$Matter knows more about the inside corruption (and criminal activities that take place behind the curtain) than 99% of the world.

However, despite what we think and know about how the boyz in the “Club” operate, we also know that most people never consider how honest the commissions are on Wall Street.

Stop laughing for a moment and hear me out.

Whether you pay $9.95 or $595.00 per commission for a stock purchase, it’s totally transparent.  The commission is marked on your confirmation and should be obvious.  The price of the stock will vary with market conditions.

So, if you bought 100 shares of a $20 stock you end up paying $2,000 + commission.  The commission is the MARK-UP charged by your broker.

Compare that to anything you buy at Walmart.  They don’t tell you how much they MARKED-UP the toothpaste or any other item you buy, do they?

How about a car, furniture, groceries, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics etc.  Do they openly tell you how much their profit margin is?

Of course not.  But you buy those things anyway.

Wall Street is only industry I can think of where you get to see how much your stock (product) is marked up.

Keep in mind I’m referring to buying individual stocks and not mutual funds, ETF’s, bond funds, and other packaged products.

However, there are exceptions to this transparency.

Cue up: Schwab, Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, etc., who offer you free trading of stocks.

All I can say is “Who do You Know – especially on Wall Street – that Works for Free?”

Ironically (or NOT) the last few months volatility has shown us that you can quickly make (or lose) a ton of money by trading…and you expect me to believe that brokerage firms are going to let you trade for free?

The good news is – for those with “Ears to Hear” – it’s becoming an opportunity of a lifetime.

We have a column in our newsletter called “Short and Sweet Tips” where we give you simple and easy to understand ideas about certain stocks.

We also show you how to avoid the Wall Street landmines along the way.

See for yourself (HERE).

Breakin the law










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