March 2025
March 3, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Why the Truth Does NOT Set You Free


In all fairness to my fellow “holy rollers” out there, I want to point out that scripture is often taken out of context.

As a result, people use it as a weapon to bash others into wrongly believing that they are somehow more religious than most.

Cue up former Goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein, who claimed he was “Doing God’s Work” after the 2008 melt-down in the markets.  The reality was he used TRILLIONS of our tax dollars to bail out his company and fellow cronies.

Not too long ago, Nancy Pelosi (a self-proclaimed Catholic and Abortion Advocate) said that Democrats were “doing the Lord’s work” and Republicans were “dishonoring” God. 

By all means I’m no priest here.  But in Pelosi’s case I can’t make the connection between supporting abortion and “doing the Lord’s work.”  That’s like Satan quoting scripture.

Ironically (or NOT) it’s almost impossible to reason with people who are blinded by their own delusions.

It’s also how scripture gets taken out of context.

Unfortunately, false prophets politicians and Wall Street using partial scriptures like “…The Truth Will Set You Free” totally miss the point.

Example:  In context, John 8:31-32 reads:


31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


Notice the scripture says IF Ye Continue in My Word, which means that knowing the truth is conditional upon you continuing in His Word.

See the difference?

If you can’t see the difference here then you’ll definitely be misled by what Wall Street and Washington DC wants you to believe.

It’s similar to having “ears to hear” when it comes to listening to the markets.

When you learn how to hear what the markets are saying, you’ll thrive in Turbulent Times while those who don’t know “The Truth” take a beating.

Get a head start by reading our February issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).

And share this with a holy rollin’ friend…they just might thank YOU later.

Do the lords work






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