March 2025
March 4, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Why the Media Won’t Publish This



If you’re reading this, chances are you aren’t like most of the sheeple out there blindly following what the major media outlets publish.

We thank you for that.

We’re not surprised that most major media outlets won’t publish the kind of articles you find on Financial$Matter.

And it’s not because we’re controversial or that we regularly take shots at how corrupt the bought-and-paid-for presstitutes really are.

However, the real reason they won’t publish our type of content is very simple.  They only want to publish something that they can use to impeach Trump.

Ironically (or NOT) their efforts to convince the public to impeach Trump are failing miserably.

As well they should.

We said it long ago that you Cannot Impeach a President Based on Hearsay. 

So, why keep the charade up?

They’re desperate – just like the Democrats – to get their power back.

They can’t accept the fact that they’ve been neutered by a businessman President who’s been playing them like a Stradivarius violin.

Unfortunately, they also know that the bogus impeachment hearings are a great distraction from issues like the Epstein murder suicide.

Another issue flying under the radar is how Congress (on Tuesday) quietly voted on continuing a resolution that hikes spending and extends the Patriot Act Surveillance.

The irony here is remarkable.  The same Democrats who are holding impeachment inquiries to determine if Trump abused his executive power, apparently have no qualms about letting him continue to spy on Americans.

How many news outlets reported that?

My point is – and has been for a long time – that you can’t trust the media in general.

That’s why we tell you to question EVERYTHING…even the stuff we write.

Read our November newsletter and you’ll see what I’m talking about.




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