Before you go into shock over a statement of why the media hates you, consider this.
How many times have they (Cough! NY Times, Cough! Cough!) been caught lying about what they report?
We’re not just picking on the NY Times here.
Well…maybe we are…kinda…sorta.
So, let’s point out how the recent revelations over Hunter Biden’s laptop are not only true but they’ve been conveniently covered-up.
And that especially includes the child porn found on it.
You didn’t know?
Maybe they conveniently covered it up because it reflects poorly on the Resident Brandon in office.
Or Maybe it’s one of many child porn/sex trafficking scandals that’s been conveniently covered-up.
Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE a new Supreme Court Justice – with a track record of being lenient on pedophiles – is being put in place in the event the Resident Brandon’s son is brought up on charges ala Epstein style.
The Media Hates You
Another lesser-known reason the media hates you is they profit from your suffering.
Cue up, the last two years of the CoronaHoax where the vast majority of sheeple hung on every report of how everyone was going to die if they didn’t take the clot shot.
And now that everyone is focused on World War III there’s no real reporting on the CoronaHoax NOR the harmful side effects of disrupting your DNA.
Or maybe that was all a coincidence.
So, try to convince me that the media – along with Big Pharma/Big Tech/Bill Gates/Boyz in the “Club” – haven’t profited immensely from the pain we’ve suffered.
But there’s another big reason why they hate you.
And that’s because critical thinkers – like yourself – stand in their way by challenging their nefarious narrative.
And that’s precisely why we publish our monthly “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
When you read it, you’ll understand what we mean when we say that “We’re Not Just About Finance.”
More importantly, we show you how the financial world influences most of what goes on in the world…behind the curtain.
And how Everything is Connected…Everything.
So, learn how to “Follow the Money” while prospering AND thriving in Turbulent Times by going HERE.
Share this with a friend…especially if they think the media is telling them the truth.
They’ll thank YOU later.
Remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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