If you found a great source of information that helped you make a lot of money, would you share it with anyone?
That may sound like a silly question but, would you share with anyone?
If so, then why?
If not, then why not?
Before you answer the questions, you should realize that most fortunes are made by sharing information.
Example: The more people learn about good value in stocks, bonds, gold, commodities, etc. the more people invest in those particular instruments.
And when there are more buyers than sellers, the price goes up.
But the opposite is true when there are more sellers than buyers…the price goes down.
I used to get annoyed when people would ask: “James, why is the market going up?”
But now I simply say: “The markets are up because there are more buyers than sellers.”
As if on cue the next question is: “Seriously, why is the market going up?”
I try to point out that it’s not rocket science.
And it’s really a function of supply vs demand.
But certain people feel the need to pinpoint an exact reason to answer their question.
As a result, they usually lose money…like the 99%.
Ironically (or NOT) and when they get a good idea, they’re reluctant to share it with anyone.
And that’s usually out of fear they may be wrong.
So, Why Share With Anyone?
At Financial$Matter we believe in sharing ideas with everyone who has an interest in what we say.
In fact, every day we publish emails – like the one you’re reading – that don’t always talk about the stock market.
However, and as we are wont to say: “Everything is Connected…EVERYTHING.”
And when you understand how it’s all connected, you won’t be worried about why the market is up or down.
Instead, you’ll look for opportunities in every scenario.
And that includes political corruption, Wall Street corruption, war, scandals, and Globalist manipulation tactics.
(Cough! Monday’s desperate media panic: “The Delta Variant is causing the market to crash” HAIRBALL COUGH!)
On the other hand, we share our 110+ years of experience on Wall Street every day (FOR FREE) hoping you learn how to see the markets with “A Different Set of Eyes.”
And we encourage you to share our posts with your friends hoping for the same results.
We’re Not Just About Finance
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