It was only a matter of time before we were proven right as to why sanctions never work.
And none other than the New York Times recently admitted that the West’s Anti-Russian Sanctions are a failure.
In Ana Swanson’s article about how “Russia Sidesteps Western Punishments, With Help From Friends”, she cites Western experts who concluded that “Russia’s imports may have already recovered to prewar levels, or will soon do so, depending on their models.”
And, as predicted, the “official narrative” surrounding the Ukrainian Conflict has flipped in recent weeks from prematurely celebrating Kiev’s supposedly “inevitable” victory to seriously warning about its likely loss.
From the peanut gallery we’re hearing;
“But! But…we’ve given them billions of dollars and war machines and so they have to be winning.”
This is not an “We told you so” email.
Check that.
It is…kinda…sorta.
But you’ve probably noticed how we constantly try to reference articles we’ve written in the past – with dates published – to prove that we don’t make this stuff up.
What’s Left of Ukraine September 2, 2022
“Sanctions Against Japan?” March 26, 2022
“Sanctions…An Act of War” March 9, 2022
Sanctions Don’t Work…Again May 13, 2022
Meanwhile, Ukraine’s comedian/weasel President Zelensky reportedly owns a $35 Million estate in South Florida.
Suffice it to say that the citizens of Ukraine are the last in line to benefit from the fortunes given to their corrupt leaders who don’t give a rip about their citizens.
Unfortunately, countless Ukrainian citizens will die as a result of the West’s Lust for War.
And as we’ve said many times in the past, the WEST Needs War so they can use it as an excuse to default on their Sovereign Debt.
READ: $280 Trillion Debt for The Great Reset November 30, 2020
Sanctions Never Work
Circling back to the NY Times piece (mentioned above) it represents a remarkable reversal of the “official narrative” by admitting that the West’s anti-Russian sanctions are a failure.
Because if the sanctions achieved the goal that they were supposed to then it naturally follows that Kiev would “inevitably” win.
And that’s exactly what they claimed would happen up… until mid-January.
Keep in mind this being reported by the UBER Liberal Whores-Of-Babble-On-Presstitutes of the highest order.
But why admit it now?
Rest assured they only admit something is wrong when they’re preparing to launch another major distraction.
And that’s being evidenced with headlines we’re seeing like:
Record number of Americans expect stocks to tumble over next six months.
This gives new meaning to Sherlock Holmes’ famous quote: “The Game is Afoot, Watson.”
So, the $64 Billion dollar question is…How are you prepared to deal with what’s already “baked in the cake?”
Learn how to prepare for, and profit from Volatility (HERE).
And share this with a friend…even if they gave money to Ukraine.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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