Don’t think for a moment that this email excludes small town girls from Ohio/Midwest region.
No, not at all!
In fact, the gals are probably hated more than the guys.
Let me give you an example: Certain celebrities (and a former presidential candidate who lost) openly showed their hatred toward women who make up part of the Deplorables in America by accusing these women of voting for Trump because their “husbands told them to.”
All I can say is that people making statements like that are clueless when it comes to understanding most of the women from Ohio and the Midwest.
If anything, the men are more likely to listen to their wives’ opinions.
I know this first hand.
You see, I’m a small-town boy from Ohio and learned long ago to appreciate how strong willed and determined a small-town girl from the Midwest can be.
Simply stated, you don’t want to get on their bad side.
Ironically, the reason why haters seem to hate most small-town boys/girls is because they’re told to do so.
Our perverse and corrupt media uses any occasion to discredit any group (in their opinion) thatneeds to be silenced.
But let’s not be so hard on the presstitutes. They’re simply following orders from their Wall Street overlords.
It’s all designed to keep you in a state of constant agitation so you don’t see how you’re getting ripped off.
The tactic worked well for nearly 50 years…and then many small-town boys/girls from the Midwest spoke up and voted based on their core values.
The rest, as they say, is history.
But the haters refuse to be silenced and will increase their efforts as 2019, The Political Year From Hell, continues.
Read how it affects our markets in our January newsletter “…In Plain English.”
Based on how January is starting out, you’ll want to stay ahead of this mess.
And be sure to share this with a small-town boy/girl. They’ll thank YOU later.
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