If you want a simple explanation of why gas prices continue to rise, think of three words.
It really is that simple.
And you don’t have to be a math genius to figure it out.
Example: Gas prices reached an all-time high in July of 2008 with a national average of $4.11 per gallon.
(California was exceptionally higher)
At that time, the price of oil was $147 per barrel.
Today it’s $85 per barrel…and regular gas (nationwide) is averaging upwards of $3.38 per gallon.
(Again, California is the exception…see below)
So, what’s wrong with this picture?
Even during the Obamanation years gas was never that high…even in California.
And the math doesn’t make any sense when you compare it to 2014 when the oil price was falling like a rock.
In fact, when oil fell to $75 per barrel in 2014, gas was $2.20 per gallon.
Gas Prices Continue to Rise Because…
Adding insult to injury, as recently as November 2020, gas prices averaged $1.74 per gallon.
“…In Plain English” that means you’re paying 94% more for gas in less than one year.
Question: How many of you are currently making 94% more than last year?
To that we’ll just say:
At this pace it won’t be long before we blow through the $4.11 average from 2008.
And the real culprit behind rising gas prices is the GREEN agenda and how Global Warming is destroying the planet.
It’s allowing the States – with full blessings of the Globalists – to increase taxes on gasoline.
Part of the Great Reset is to use global warming as an excuse to get people to drive less, travel less, eat fake meat, self-quarantine, etc.
So, raising gas prices – while blaming everything on the Arabs – is another way to force their nefarious agenda on the Great Unwashed Masses.
The boyz figure that a few pennies here and there won’t be noticed by the sheeple.
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…
It’s not that oil is worth more today…it’s that the Petro Dollar is worth less.
For those unaware, the Petro Dollar was established when Kissinger guaranteed the Arabs that we would protect them from their enemies…waaaaaayyy back in the 1970s.
And in return ALL oil would be traded in dollars.
And that’s why we killed Saddam and Ghaddafi…they were bold enough to try and sell their oil outside the dollar.
But this is just the beginning of how “The Empire Strikes Back.”
Be sure to read about it in our upcoming November newsletter (HERE).
And share this with a friend who’s upset about paying $50 to fill their gas tank.
Tell them We’re Not About Finance.
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