“Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!”
Ronald Regan’s historic speech in June of 1987 is credited with ending the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union Communism.
History shows how two years later, (November 1989) the Wall opens and half a century of East-West animus dissolves.
Ironically (or NOT) at the time, the speech was hardly seen as the beginning of any end.
Ironically (or NOT) 30 years later Reagan is still being credited for the collapse of Russia.
In reality, it was the free markets that destroyed Communism in 1989.
The same is true today as we’re witnessing the destruction of socialism compliments of our free markets.
This is contrary to the belief that our markets are controlled and manipulated by handful of very powerful people.
I’ll admit that there are segments of our markets that are controlled and manipulated to a degree (Cough! Goldman Sachs, Hairball Cough! the Vampire Squid…see related stories HERE).
However, the markets are bigger than any government on the planet. They eventually roll over any disruptions or “short term manipulations.”
As far as destroying Socialism is concerned, the proof is in the money flow on a global basis.
It’s also the core reason why we’re still in The Most Hated Bull Market in History.
It’s really simple.
As Socialism appears to gain momentum, money runs for the exits.
Currently, Europe is the most obvious example…and eventually the European Union (EU) will collapse.
Economic destruction is a result of government overreach and abuse.
For now, the USA is still the safest place in the world to park money.
But for how long?
Find out in our December’s issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
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