Now that the Covid scamdemic is officially losing traction (Thanks to Boris Johnson Cancelling Mandates) you should expect a new distraction, namely Europe/NATO needs war.
And when Stinky Joe has to “Walk Back” statements regarding Ukraine and Russia having an “Incursion” vs a Major invasion, it’s a sign that War is Coming.
Sad to say he’s becoming the laughing stock of the world.
In addition – and thanks to negative interest rates in Europe since 2014 – they’ve destroyed their bond market.
And it has forced them into a sovereign debt crisis (Read: Bond Market Tremors = Why Banks Don’t Trust Banks HERE).
It’s also undermined their pension funds and savings throughout Europe with no escape insight.
NATO – which is basically Europe – is pushing for war because the Covid Scamdemic is meeting up with tremendous resistance around the globe.
The Presstitutes are NOT covering all the protests and rising civil unrest, but the resistance to medical tyranny is soaring.
NATO Needs War for Distractions
War will bring a necessary distraction and NATO/Europe will use it to unite its people using patriotism to flip the script on protesters.
They want them supporting the government against the Russians.
As a result, they’re practically begging Putin to invade.
And, simultaneously, get the USA involved with Stinky Joe causing confusion with his meaningless two cents worth.
And yet they’re blind to the fact that Putin can cut off their gas supply and freeze them out this winter at any given moment.
So, don’t be surprised if the Covid scamdemic quietly moves off the front-page news in the next couple of months.
Only to be replaced by the dogs of war to cover up two things:
- The CoronaHoax…the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind in history
- Europe’s Sovereign Debt Crisis which will enable them to default on their debt and destroy most of the pensioners retirement funds
Ironically (or NOT) these people have terrorized the world over a virus with a 99.7% recovery rate…but the truth keeps getting in the way.
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
~John 8:32~
Learn how our Military Industrial Complex is being funded to prolong the CoronaHoax in this month’s newsletter (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they live in Europe.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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