March 14, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Why Doesn’t WOBM Want Peace With Russia?

If you’re not sure what WOBM means, it’s another annoying acronym meaning Whores Of Babylon Media.  (see “Annoying Acronyms HERE).

Instead of looking at the recent Trump/Putin summit in Helsinki as an opportunity to improve peaceful relations with the second largest nuclear super-power in the world, the haters remain on a rampage.

It’s mind-boggling to even think that among America’s political establishment, the “Haters” would rather see conflict between Russia and the US instead of peaceful relations.

Yet, that’s what we’re seeing…and it’s being continually stoked by our lap-dog controlled media.

(LDCM, a new acronym?)

Ironically, it seems as if Putin’s report to his diplomatic corps in Moscow, about the summit may be spot on.

He warned that there were “powerful forces” within the US which are ready to sacrifice the interests of their country and indeed the interests of world peace in order to pursue selfish ambitions.


This gives new meaning to the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) currently plaguing most celebrities and “career politicians” who are threatened by any success made by President Trump.

Seriously.  Rather than welcoming a cordial dialog between the two world Superpowers, our political establishment (and WOBM) seems determined to increasing dangerous tensions.

Now THAT’S deranged.

Another irony about the summit was that the hostility overwhelmingly came from the American side.

One of the most disturbing factors since the summit has been the incredible slander spewed by the WOBM trashing Trump as a traitor who’s committed treason.

This is another illustration of how hatred in America continues to divide us.

Are we being set-up for a Civil War?

Read how this affects our markets in our July issue of Simplifying Wall Street in Plain English.


And we’ll give you your first issue FREE (HERE).

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