Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Why America Will Break-Up

Speaking on a subject that suggests why America will break-up used to be taboo.


Not anymore!


And that is because more Americans are waking up to the reality that our Constitution is being violated from almost every angle possible.


We are not just referring the Kangaroo court against Trump in New York…which is ending, possibly this week.


But, Biden-donor and corrupt judge Juan Merchan has allowed the government to bring back into life a dead misdemeanor and convert it into 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.


And our only hope for justice rests on 12 jurors who, hopefully adhere to the rule of law regardless of the identity of the defendant.


Ironically (or NOT) even if Trump is found innocent on all counts Merchan has determined that the jury does NOT need to unanimously agree on what ‘Predicate’ crime he committed.


Wait, What?


Yep, you guessed it…they are saying that a jury does NOT have to be unanimous.

And if that doesn’t sound like a communist nightmare than I don’t know what does.





More Reasons Why America Will Break-Up



Obviously, the Trump trial is not the only reason America will break up but it most likely will act as a catalyst.


And based on our nation’s descent down the road to perdition, we have compiled a few other “obvious” reasons why a Break-Up is inevitable:



  • All government bailouts do is reinforce poor decision making at your expense.
  • And it does not matter if its Ford Motor Company, a bank, or a college kid.
  • Government agencies have people convinced the way their ancestors ate for 6,000 years of KNOWN history was just a fad.
  • And that grain fillers, seed oils, soy and corn syrup weren’t put in your food to offset the cost increase caused by printing unbacked fiat.
  • Adding insult to injury, the ‘Boyz’ also built a pharmaceutical empire to profit from the harm this caused.
  • War is just conflict for revenue to prop up the last dying industrial revolution.
  • War also represents a revenue laundered through corporate nation states to the Fed…Cough! Ukraine, Cough! Cough!
  • The government isn’t afraid of the prepper or threepers (anti-government extremists) or militia.
  • They just don’t want any self-reliance so they make it hard and try to socially criminalize those people.
  • What they are really afraid of is the shopkeeper with an apron on behind the counter.
  • Or the dude stocking your shelves and fixing your car that has the AK stashed behind the building that no one knows about.
  • And that is because 30 of those dudes is a problem. They learned that overseas…Cough! Vietnam, Cough! Cough!



BTW, the markets know when loss of confidence in governments gets out of control.


And they adjust accordingly.


So, learn how to “adjust accordingly” in our June edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE) and how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times.


Share this with a friend…especially if they believe there is any fairness in the courts in New York.  They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


We’re Not Just About Finance

But we use finance to give you hope.


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