March 2025
March 6, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

While ‘Pocahontas’ Challenges the Fed…

Everyone’s favorite 1/1024 Native American Liz ‘Pocahontas’ Warren challenges the Fed this week on inside trading as she brags to everyone… “watch my speech!”


Does the word “hypocrisy” come to mind?

Ms. Poke is grandstanding here.

But the real question is “What is she trying to distract us from?”

With verbiage like “We Need Changes at the Fed” and “Culture of Corruption,” and asking the SEC to “Investigate to see if the trades were legal,” Ms. Poke is – once again – putting her stupidity on full display.

Everyone and their brothers know that Congress (illegally) acts on inside trading and the SEC NEVER goes after them.

So, why would the SEC go after the FED?

Rest assured that ain’t gonna happen.

(Read: Frontrunning is alive and well at the FED” HERE)

But…and this is a VERY BIG BUTT…this is simply one corrupt insider bashing another corrupt insider in public.

The sad part is the sheeple believe that justice is being served.


Pocahontas Challenges the Fed…?

So, instead of watching while Pocahontas challenges the Fed, maybe she should look at how the Justice Department has 58 documents concerning its new Criminal Chief.

And they don’t want the public to see them.

Earlier this year O’Biden appointed Kenneth Polite as Head of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice.

And, according to his financial disclosure form and public mortgage records, Polite:


  1. Owed more than $1.5 million in debts
  2. Was paying over 18 percent interest on an outstanding balance on a credit card
  3. Paying 19.99 percent interest on a personal loan.

Debt like this doesn’t speak highly of a high-ranking government official.

And yet, for some reason, he decided to accept a job at the Justice Department where his income would be slashed by about 77 percent.

Ironically (or NOT) not one Senator on the Senate Judiciary Committee at the confirmation hearing for Polite had asked a single question about these debts red flags.


Maybe it’s not a coincidence that Mega Banks (JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley) were some of Polite’s former customers at his law firm Morgan Lewis.

And – along with other Wall Street banks represented by Polite – are under a new Justice Department investigation for secretly loaning out their balance sheets to hedge funds.

Why would they do that?

It allowed them to conduct trading in highly-leveraged and highly-concentrated stock positions

Which led to the collapse of the Archegos family office hedge fund in March of this year.

Archegos suffered $10 Billion in losses in the first day.

(Read: When Counterparties Fail…HERE)

Challenging Wall Street


So, instead of inside trading, maybe Pocahontas should challenge the Fed’s Emergency Loan Operation to Wall Street’s Trading Firms.

Which (coincidently OR NOT) occurred right before the CoronaHoax emerged in China.

Be sure to read more about it in our upcoming ‘Rocktober’ newsletter (HERE).

And “Connect the Dots” yourself.

And share this with a friend who thinks Liz Warren is a joke.

We’re Not Just About Finance.





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