The old “Look Here, Don’t Look There” tactic is alive and well while everyone’s watching Russia/Ukraine.
And while the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes keep you focused on Putin; the World Health Organization (WHO) is pushing to control the world.
And they’re quietly developing a Digital International Vaccine Passport. (Read: You’re Only One Vax Away From… HERE)
Ironically (or NOT) the WHO’s CEO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is not a medical doctor nor has he ever practiced medicine.
But he’s one of Klaus Schwab’s gang advocating for The Great Reset.
And Tedros is also buddy buddies with Bill Gates (another Schwab gang member) who happens to be the second largest donor to the WHO.
The top donor???
Uncle Sam, of course.
And with financial assistance from George Tyranno Soros Rex their influence is formidable on a global scale.
Everyone’s Watching Russia/Ukraine
These Boyz know that most of the world is not paying attention to their latest nefarious venture.
So, in case you missed it, the WHO wants every country to sign a treaty that would allow the WHO Constitution to supersede any nations Constitution.
Wait! What?
That’s right.
And their timing couldn’t be more perfect.
Wars and rumors of wars currently has the world on edge.
And a “Treaty” gives the illusion of peace.
But their “Treaty” is nefarious in that it will allow them to take charge in the event of…
Wait for it! …natural disasters OR Pandemics.
See below
Watching Russia/Ukraine and the Great Reset
It might be time for Melinda Gates to come out and tell the truth to save humanity from her ex-husband and his buddies.
Melinda has already lamented how she despised Bill’s strange friendship/relationship with Jeffery Epstein.
Is it just me or was the largest billionaire divorce/disunion in history – estimated at $60 Billion – happened with very little fanfare?
And no one seems to remember that The World Health Organization has even admitted that healthy children do not need boosters.
And let’s not forget Stinky Joe’s comments – the week before Christmas – when he said:
“We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated – for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.”
I still can’t believe he said it but you can read about it (HERE).
Maybe he meant a winter of death from war.
Or Maybe his handlers wanted him to keep everyone focused on the dying Covid narrative.
Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE the Stinkmeister (and his handlers) have sold us out to the Great Reset crowd by allowing them to enforce THEIR CONSTITUTION with their new TREATY/proposal.
Either way it ain’t gonna be pretty…especially if countries are stupid enough to surrender their rights to another Constitution.
It Happens Behind the Curtain
Learn how to see what’s going on “behind the curtain” in our March issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Your financial future may just depend on it.
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