Todays headlines are enough to drive a man to drink or maybe stop drinking.
If youre paying attention youll see that they focus on one of two themes: Doom Porn or Tulip Mania.
The Doom Porn refers to the addiction to fear while Tulip Mania is greed on steroids.
Just look at four recent headlines I saw all on thesame day.
This Disaster is Worse Than the 2008 Crisis
US Economic Crisis Ahead Major Failure of Analysts to Spot Danger
Make a 50% Gain on This Trendy IPO
This Global Index is Screaming Higher
#1 and #2 two focus on fear (Doom Porn) while #3 and #4 are pushing greed (Tulip Mania).
So, who do you believe?
Everything you read today seems to follow the outrageous National Enquirer format. Because Enquiring minds want to know. (Do you remember that?)
Heres the funny part.
Many of the contrasting headlines and stories (like the ones above) are published by the same company.
Wait! What?
Thats right, The National Enquirer mentality is alive and thriving in todays competitive media.
Very simple It works.
The vast majority of todays media dont care about doing whats right for their readers. Their main concern is to influence you into whats known as group think and to not think for yourself.
This is a sinister mind set and reminds me of a famous quote.
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
-Adolf Hitler-
Learn how NOT to be duped by these so-called journalists in the December issue of Simplifying Wall Street in Plain English.
Youll thank us later.
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