February 2025
February 5, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Whatever Happened to “Assad the Butcher?”


Help me out here, please.

When was the last time you heard anything about the horrific actions of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad aka “Assad the Butcher?”

It wasn’t long ago that he was front-and-center headline news as the biggest threat to world peace since Osama bin-Laden.

So, what happened?

Is he no longer a threat?

Is Syria no longer a war-torn nation where millions of refugees have fled for their lives?

The truth is, Assad has been pushed off the front-pages – thanks to the CoronaHoax – and is no longer a distraction for the sheeple.

Ironically (or NOT) the limited attention span of the American public constantly needs to be stoked by a boogeyman or some “Merciless Dictator” for us to hate.

But don’t worry.

Eventually, the presstitutes will conjure up new reasons to hate and/or vilify the evil Syrian President.

Most likely it will have something to do with Syria’s connections with China or Russia.  (My money is on Russia since Putin has been protecting Syria for a long time…AND because Putin currently holds the title of “Boogeyman” against the US).

Meanwhile, China keeps flying under the radar while investing Billions into repairing the devastated nation of Syria.


Syria is the lynch-pin for China’s build out of the new “silk road” or “Belt Road Initiative,” (BRI).  We first wrote about it HERE.

Assad knows Syria’s geographic importance to both Russia and China has historical ramifications going back thousands of years.  (Hint…it has a lot to do with OIL).

As the CoronaFraud continues to distract the world, China and Russia are increasing their strategic alliances for the multi-Trillion build out of the New Silk Road.

Are you “Connecting the Dots” of how this plays out?

It’s all part of the tectonic shift in world economic power from the West to the East.

Don’t watch it happen like a deer staring into the headlights.

Learn how to prosper AND thrive while the world is consumed with distractions (HERE).






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