Advertisers – who usually cater to women – can’t quite figure out what men want.
And now that Target has officially joined the ranks of Satanic marketing with their pedophile clothing line, they’re seeing a Bud-Light response from the public.
Obviously, that’s NOT what men want.
And now, even outdoor sports gear giant, North Face (Gasp!) has crossed over (pun intended) the slippery slope of marketing pandering to homosexuals…featuring their spokesthing Pattie Gonia.
No…we’re not making this up.
Quote from Pattie:
“Hi, it’s me, Pattie Gonia, a real-life homosexual,” drag queen and self-described environmentalist and community organizer Pattie Gonia said in The North Face ad, adding, “Today I’m here with the North Face. We are here to invite you to come out … in nature with us!”
But despite the last three decades of the liberal/deliberate feminization of men (AKA Toxic Masculinity) we’re now seeing men’s actions speaking louder than words.
It’s long overdue.
And men are now speaking with their wallets.
As a result, retailers* are suffering.
Rightfully so.
(* Note…Target stock is down over $10 Billion in the last few days and North Face is receiving severe backlash/boycott threats)
And one of our readers from Panama (Mr. Smit) gave us his interesting take of what men want.
So, take it away Mr. Smit.
Budweiser made a deliberate decision to hire Alissa Hineyshiney.
And she did exactly what was expected of her: embrace the current cultural zeitgeist, be woke, be popular!
But this way of thinking is another manufactured facade.
Mentally unsettled persons make terrible spokespersons.
All this corporate enterprise did was demonstrate how little they know about their customers.
They give us guys pretending to be girls, and associated wokey hocum.
What Men Want
But what men want are trucks, hot chicks, explosions, MMA cage fighters, and more hot chicks getting drunk in trucks, shooting guns.
And now, lots of bars are not only NOT buying more Budweiser…they are also demanding what they have be taken back…
I am middle aged white dude and watch professional sports including MLB.
And when I see a person drinking Bud Light, I see a person who has a mental health problem.
Like TDS I have BDS, Bud Derangement Syndrome.
In my mind it’s forever a tranny beer.
So, how does Transheuser-Busch dig out from under promoting alphabet soup weirdos trying to get kids drunk?
Guys are sick of LGBTHIV+ being injected into every single aspect of life.
And the fact that Anheuser-Busch will not apologize tells you what they think of their customer.
Here’s some new slogan suggestions:
“Bud light. You can drink a better beer but you can’t drink a gayer beer!”.
“Bud light. It won’t make you gay but it will make you enjoy being gay more!”
Bud light. Buy one for your girlfriend. Just kidding we all know that you are gay.
Transheuser Bush can pay me now for the new slogan.
Thanks, Mr. Smit.
Maybe some other retail giants will understand what men want before committing suicide like Budweiser, Target, and now, North Face.
But that remains to be seen as we approach Pride Month in June.
And for the vast majority of men in America (who are straight) we salute you and remind you that There is Nothing Toxic About Your Masculinity.
In Case You Missed it, our “…In Plain English” newsletter appeals to What Men Want (HERE).
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