Now that nations around the world are reversing their covid/mandates/lockdowns/tyrannical strategies, you have to wonder what their covid exit strategy will be.
“…In Plain English” how do they reverse the incredible damage done over a fake pandemic used to usher in the Great Reset?
The simple answer?
They don’t/can’t reverse the damage done.
The mounting evidence that Covid-19 was a master psyop plan to control the population is becoming more evident even in some of the Whores-Of-Babble-On media outlets.
A recent report from the Johns Hopkins University study stated:
“Lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”
On the surface it looks like the Johns Hopkins Boyz are trying to make nicey-nice by dispelling the effects of lockdowns.
But the truth is they’re trying to cover their asses for being one of the original proponents advocating vaccines and fully promoting the necessity of masks, social distancing AND lockdowns.
From their website the summer of 2020:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends a COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 and older. Johns Hopkins Medicine encourages all families to have eligible children vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine. Currently, Pfizer’s vaccine is the only approved COVID-19 vaccine for children.
This is just one of many examples how the Hopkins Boyz are just as guilty of crimes against humanity as are the Presstitutes and the Klaus Schwab/Great Reset crowd.
Their Covid Exit Strategy
Unfortunately, most of their exit strategies will based on what they call “Plausible Denial.”
Translation: “We deny everything and demand proof.”
Ironically (or NOT) there is plenty of proof of guilt how the Big Pharma/Bankster/Political Cartel abused and destroyed millions of lives for their own profit.
And THEY know it.
Which is why – now more than ever – they NEED a war to distract the sheeple.
So, in a sense you could say that the Boyz Covid exit strategy is starting a war.
There’s nothing more effective in getting people to ignore crimes against humanity than creating an enemy (real or imagined) in order to “raise their patriotism” and ignore the treachery that’s been done to them.
The classic example of this was 9/11 and The Patriot Act.
And, if you recall, the markets were in a tail-spin back then adding fuel to the distractions fire.
So, be on the alert for panic and ample distractions in 2022, The Year of the Man-Made Depression.
More importantly, learn how to prosper AND thrive in the chaos by subscribing to our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
You won’t regret it.
And feel free to share this with a friend…especially if they never bought into the CoronaHoax.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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