It appears that no one in Western leadership will answer the question: What if you are wrong about war with Ukraine?
Another question that should be asked – but will likely be ignored – is: Has this ever worked before?
Because when you openly/publicly threaten a nation with sanctions and/or military advancement is there a precedent for it ever working?
The answer to that is NO.
Sanctions don’t work and never have worked in the past.
So, why does the O’Biden Administration believe that openly threatening China for supporting Russia will make them back down?
READ: Is O’Biden Provoking China to WWIII? September 23, 2022 (HERE)
Within the last five days we’ve heard how China basically gave O’Biden the finger by sending arms to Russia.
And they went on to say that China would not hesitate to engage U.S. forces stationed in Taiwan if the Chinese launched an invasion of the island nation.
Hu Xijin, former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, reacted to a Wall Street Journal report about U.S. troops traveling to Taiwan… calling it “illegal.”
And suggested that China would treat them as enemy combatants.
Meanwhile – adding gasoline to the fire on the Russian front – former Fed Chairman Janet “Mrs. Doubtfire” Yellen visited Ukraine on Monday.
And she discussed $10 billion in new budgetary aid for Kiev, and announced the first $1.2 billion tranche.
Ironically (or NOT) that was after Ukrainian Pimp Zelensky berated and threatened Americans for not being supportive of his money-laundering racket.
READ: Zelensky Berates, Threatens Unsupportive Americans February 27, 2023 (HERE)
Wondering What If You Are Wrong
As a result, Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned the west of the dire, worst-case scenario that awaits if it keeps escalating its support to Ukrainian forces.
And he was quoted as saying: the Western policy of arming Ukraine could lead to “apocalypse.”
So, with China and Russia issuing dire warnings against the policies towards them from the West, will anyone give an answer to the question: “What if we are wrong?”
Sad to say that the Neocons will never admit they’re wrong.
And from the beginning they’ve had no intentions of entertaining peace talks.
Bottom line?
WW3 is imminent.
And getting closer every day.
So, what should you do about it?
You can start by reading our upcoming March edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
It’s where we show you where to protect your investments in times of war.
Share this with a friend…even if they still don’t believe Ukraine is the most corrupt country on the planet.
They’ll thank YOU later.
Remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
But we use finance to give you hope.
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