Most people haven’t figured it out yet but what happened after 9/11 changed the course of our country…for the worse.
We could rant for days over the conspiracy theories that surround 9/11.
But most people would still call us conspiracy theorists.
Instead, we want to bring to your attention a few key events that had some of the most devastating effect on our financial world.
And how it brought about some of the most egregious laws that have allowed the Boyz in the “Club” to rob you blind…AND steal your rights.
Let’s start with The Patriot Act.
The name sounds cool and suggests an image of having loyalty to a noble cause.
And you would think such an act would have been written over time and carefully screened for detail, accuracy, and transparency.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
It was supposedly written and passed in 45 days.
And it gave government total authority to spy on Americans.
Does anyone remember what Donald Rumsfeld (then secretary of Defense) said on September 10, 2001:
“The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector. But not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.”
$2.3 Trillion?
And it was probably just a coincidence that in the basements of the Twin Towers AND WTC Bldg#7 (which collapsed into its own footprint and was never hit by a plane or missile) supposedly contained billions in gold and tax-free Bearer Bonds.
Again, it’s probably just a coincidence that a missing $2.3 Trillion and multiple billions in bonds and precious metals were rendered unaccountable.
As a result, we lost many rights that most people were never aware of.
After 9/11
Rest assured the banks were not the least bit innocent as far as giving up your rights to a paranoid government.
In fact, hidden in the Patriot Act is a law that says all banks must surrender information AND access to any safe deposit boxes of anyone deemed to be suspicious.
Suspicious of what?
Translation: If someone you know said to the feds that you were seen in the company of middle-eastern people, they could then put you on a list of suspects.
Then they could approach your bank and have them open your safe deposit box and confiscate steal everything in it.
And there would be nothing you could do about it.
Again, compliments of the Patriot Act.
Translation: Get your valuables (all of them) out of a safe deposit box.
22 years later, government surveillance and spying on individuals has only gotten worse.
And we’ve spent TRILLIONS on wars with Iraq and Afghanistan (NOT counting Ukraine) while killing millions of civilians in the process.
So, is it any wonder why the loss of confidence is increasing around the world.
And we have 9/11 to thank for that.
Learn how to turn the loss of confidence in government to your advantage in the September issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
And share this with a friend…even if they still believe the Twin Towers collapsed because two jet planes crushed through their steel beams.
They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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