Based on how crazy the world has become it’s almost as if nothing surprises you anymore. But the FBI raid on Trump is a game changer.
Translation: What was once a great country has now fallen to Banana Republic status.
For a long time, we’ve been saying that the Democrats desperation to keep Trump from running in 2024 is off the charts.
And the fact that never in the history of the United States has a former president been indicted for any criminal conduct, confirms their desperation.
Ironically (or NOT) this dangerous precedent and historic post-term indictment is NOT legally allowed.
But that doesn’t mean anything in today’s world.
We’ve said it many times before: “As the world we live in becomes darker, the easier it is for the evil ones to hide their dirty little secrets.”
And, unfortunately, today it seems like THEY don’t care about hiding their corruption.
As a result, it’s becoming far more obvious how the entire world is becoming darker and more corrupt every day.
Or, quite possibly we’re finally starting to see how corrupt it’s been all along.
And, sad to say, this will speed up the inevitable collapse into more violence and civil war.
Unprecedented FBI Raid on Trump’s Home
If the FBI’s raid on Trump doesn’t convince you that the Boyz behind the curtain are desperately pushing for the Great Reset then you are either in total denial or you’ve become part of the sheeple.
And if you don’t wake up soon, you won’t be able to handle the Turbulent Times we’ll soon see as a result of this egregious action.
We’ve said all along that Klaus Schwab and his Great Reset Boyz will ultimately fail.
But in the process, there will be hell to pay.
Unfortunately, that hell has been unleashed at Mar-A-Lago, Florida.
And the worst thing you can do is to quietly sit by – watching this bizarre circus – hoping that the government will fix things.
Listen up: It Ain’t Gonna Happen.
But the good news is… As difficult as things might appear, Evil Always Overplays its Hand…And Righteousness Prevails.
Learn how to fight back (HERE).
And remember, America Was Built by the Brave, Not by the Fearful.
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