If week 3 of January 2025 is anything like week 1 or week 2 then you’d better tighten your seatbelt.
Because we are still one week away from inauguration day.
And a lot of damage can still be done to thwart Trump’s return to the District of Caligula.
The stock markets are starting to show signs of rolling over causing increased nervousness among the Boyz in the “Club.”
But don’t worry about them.
They already have their escape plan in place.
And you can rest assured it includes getting you to zig while they zag.
BTW, the zig has already started in the bond markets.
And for the 10th or 20th time we remind you to stay away (or get out) from any positions in government bonds.
More on that later…
Expectations for Week 3???
In the meantime, the California fires (in week 3 in 2025) could easily become worse as the Santa Ana Winds return with more intensity.
As a result, it is starting to look like California has used up all of its carbon credits.
And, not surprisingly, we are seeing more crazed right-wing conspiracy theorists speaking out over the fires being started like the Maui fires with DEW (Directed Energy Weapons aka High-Power Microwaves) weapons.
Remember those?
READ: JFK Assassination and Maui Inferno August 15, 2023 (HERE).
BTW, according to the Office of Naval Research… Directed energy weapons (DEWs) are defined as electromagnetic systems capable of converting chemical or electrical energy to radiated energy and focusing it on a target, resulting in physical damage that degrades, neutralizes, defeats, or destroys an adversarial capability.
And specifically, regarding the Cali wildfires, this begs the question:
When DEW you see a forest fire that only burns houses? When they burn Paradise.
Notice the aerial footage showing the homes burnt to a crisp but the surrounding trees are still intact.
How could that possibly happen?
Like we said earlier, if Week 3 of 2025 is anything like Week 1 or Week two then you need to tighten your seatbelt.
Because wildfires in the markets spread faster than DEW weapons raining down from the sky.
And the damage can be swift and merciless (Cough! Bitcoin, Cough! Big Tech Stocks, Cough! Cough!)
As a result, among the damage, there will likely be opportunities for those with ears to hear.
Find out in our January edition of our soon to be released “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
In the meantime, keep your powder dry.
And share this with a friend…especially if they tend to believe the conspiracy theorists. They’ll thank YOU later.
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