As the DEI world continues to come crashing down, expect more “progressives” to switch their stance and pretend they never supported the woke madness.
Cue Up: Former Biden (DEI HIRE) Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg who chastised the practice of DEI initiatives while speaking to the DNC Chair.
No, we are not making this up.
Butt-gig said apparently, DEI initiatives create “Trump Republicans.”
Ironically (0r NOT) if that is the case than it’s true that people want to be judged on their character and qualifications rather than their race or sex.
Pete Buttigieg is the DEFINITION of a DEI hire.
He had absolutely no qualifications to lead the nation’s transportation sector.
And O’Biden cheered that Pete would become the nation’s first openly gay person to be confirmed by the Senate to a Cabinet position.
Biden said he was appointing Pete to be in his “Cabinet of barrier-breakers” and openly said he was there to “BUILD BACK BETTER.”
However, upon checking the record, nothing was built back better under Buttigieg… (Cough! East Palestine, Ohio Cough! Cough!)
Buttigieg moved up the political ranks as a direct result of DEI hiring practices and now, he is criticizing his own party for becoming “caught up in vocabularies” and not focusing on “actual values.”
Oh, the hypocrisy!
Speaking of Hypocrisy, does anyone but us wonder why the liberals are not celebrating the first “Person of Color” to serve as FBI Director?
And as fate would have it Kash Patel just got his wingman after conservative media podcaster Dan Bongino was named Deputy Director of the FBI under Patel.
Never Supported Woke
And the hits just keep on coming.
In fact, creepy politicians like Butt-gig are confirming how the Democrats are turning on the very policies they aggressively pushed after realizing the people will no longer vote for woke insanity.
To that we say, Hallelujah!
In the meantime, the markets are looking choppy going into the last few days of February.
And we are especially cautious of the first week in March as many members of the District of Corruption look to shed their DEI/WOKE skins hoping to win some favor under the DOGE revelations.
Raised any cash lately?
Be sure to read: “Has DOGE Single-Handedly Vilified All the Conspiracy Theorists” in our upcoming edition of “Simplifying Wall Street…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they hated DEI and the WOKE movement. They’ll thank YOU later.
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