As Europe continues its slide down the slippery Great Reset slope, the unvaccinated are seeing how the emperor has no clothes.
(Read “The Mark of the Beast” in France HERE)
And this is only the beginning of what Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset is designed to do.
It appears that France is not the only country in Europe that is demanding that tourists be fully vaccinated.
Malta – that beautiful little archipelago in the Mediterranean – between Sicily and the North African coast has invoked the “Mark of the Beast” policy.
Like France, they can kiss their tourism goodbye.
But this is only the tip of the Great Reset iceberg.
So, what happens if we begin to see more people who are vaccinated come down with blood clots because of flying?
Ironically (or NOT) this is part of the World Economic Forum’s and Bill Gates’ goal to end international travel.
At this time, it’s nearly impossible to get a visa from Europe to the United States.
The Climate Change boyz are afraid of people migrating to support resistance movements, especially in Europe.
The Unvaccinated Realize the Emperor Has No Clothes
There is a growing awareness of the entire CoronaHoax and the irreparable damage it’s done around the world.
As a result, you can expect the rest of Europe to impose the same restrictions as France and Malta.
Because the unvaccinated are now the resistance.
And the “Crimes Against Humanity Crew” (Cough! Schwab’s World Economic Forum, COUGH!) don’t want them banning together.
As we’ve said in the past, these evil Globalists will ultimately fail in their efforts to impose their Marxist ideas.
However, until that happens you can expect lots of pain and suffering for most of the world. AKA: The Great Unwashed masses.
How are you prepared to deal with it?
A good way to start is to prepare to take advantage of opportunities of a lifetime in the stock markets.
Most investors will miss it because the 1% needs the 99% to be wrong in order for them to make fortunes at YOUR expense.
Find out how it works and how to put yourself in a position to win when everything else is falling apart (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they’re planning on traveling to Europe.
And remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
~John 8:32~
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