Vilification of political opponents has become standard practice today as evidenced by what’s being done to Donald Trump. And they can’t even see how they are unleashing the dogs of war in the process.
As a result, there are many people who have just been brainwashed.
And they refuse to open their minds to the fact that both sides engage in propaganda.
Ironically (or NOT) the demonization of Trump – in an alleged effort to seek the truth – is being used to justify the hatred of all Republicans.
Sad to say, that has become the necessary step to win an election or even support a cry to unleash the dogs of war.
Cue up: The basic strategy in leadership 101.
Politicians have known for centuries that by creating war in politics or on the battlefield – from the vilification of someone like Trump or Putin – it’s then used to hate all Republicans or Russians.
Unfortunately, it’s a winning strategy near term.
But these morons don’t look at the cost long-term and how it divides a nation ensuring its fall.
History is riddled with examples:
Leaders Who Unleashed the Dogs of War
- Nero did it with the Christians
- Hitler did it with the Jews
- Africa is notorious turning tribes against each other
- Pol Pot
- Stalin
- Mao
And that’s only a partial list.
Bottom line… The vilification or demonization of the enemy renders all diplomatic solutions impossible.
Because you cannot sit down with a devil to negotiate.
And we’ve said many times in the past, the real problem is not Democrat vs Republican, liberal vs conservative, or black vs white.
It’s about good vs evil.
And as we are also wont to say…
As difficult as things might appear, Evil Always Overplays its Hand…And Righteousness Prevails.
But in the process, there will be economic, financial, and personal pain as the Boyz unleash the Dogs of War.
If Trump is indicted then you can expect Civil War possibly in early 2023.
We’re not trying to paint a gloom and doom scenario here.
Instead, we constantly try to offer you hope via the financial world by understanding how things operate “Behind the Curtain” (HERE).
And when the brown stuff hits the fan, you’re going to need to know how to navigate the minefields of Wall Street in addition to the Globalists assault on our freedoms.
Don’t be their victims.
Learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they’re clueless.
They’ll thank YOU later.
We’re Not Just About Finance.
But we use finance to give you hope.
So, Instead of fantasizing about the Dogs of War, Here’s What Dogs Think About…
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