March 2025
March 6, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Un Pushing Pedophilia

Flying under the radar AGAIN, the UN is Pushing Pedophilia believing that minors can consent to sex with adults and wants others to accept this as fact.

And over one year ago they wrote:

“Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law,” 

What is really disturbing is how these people are pushing to indoctrinate impressionable children to accept the woke agenda.

And what’s even more disturbing is how they want to rebrand pedophiles as “MAPS” or “minor attracted persons” and label them as a protected class.

Pardon me for being blunt but: That’s f***ed up!

Instead of a protected class they should be labeled scum of the earth.


Included in that category should be the retail giant Target (TGT).

Why Target?

Because, coincidentally (or NOT) they are marketing a ton of LGBTQ+ attire in the children’s section.


They’re selling “chest binders” and “packing underwear” for CHILDREN.


And they sell shirts that say “trans rights are human rights” in toddler sizes.

Imagine that!

They want toddlers – AND teenagers – to be an advocate for transexuals?




Why is the UN Pushing Pedophilia?

The United Nations, is the global agency that is working toward creating a doomed one-world government.

And as recently as March, reports began circulating from the UN about legalizing pedophilia.

So, what is wrong with this picture?

In a word…Everything.

And if you haven’t figured it out by now, this is part of the Great Reset.

Organizations like the UN are advocating normalizing pedophilia on an international level.

READNormalization of Pedophilia Goes Mainstream

And  Legalizing Pedophilia  (HERE)

Sad to say, the woke agenda is working to normalize this concept by introducing children to drag queens during school hours and telling them that they can choose their gender before they even know their ABCs.

And they cover-up atrocities like castration and sterilization of kids with catch phrases like:  “Gender-affirming care.” 




Here’s the point.

These are difficult subjects to talk about.


However, the ruling elite are a very small minority.

And they must pit us against one another and divide us based on gender, sexual orientation, politics, and wealth so that we do not seek out those truly oppressing the people.

And as we are wont to say: “Don’t Take the Bait.”

Learn who is really oppressing the people…and how to avoid their manipulation tactics in the June edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).

Share this with a friend…especially if they’re sick and tired of seeing pedophilia presented as normal.

They’ll thank YOU later.


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But we use finance to give you hope.


Invest with confidence.
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
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