Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

UN Climate Pledge Totally Fails

February 10, 2025 was the date the UN nations were to release their “Climate Pledge” numbers as it relates to the Paris Agreement.

The results?

Only 10 of the 195 nations (5%) on board for the Paris Agreement have met the February 10, 2025, deadline to release their “nationally determined contributions” (NDCs).

These NDCs are supposed to be detailed blueprints for how nations will continue cutting emissions to meet each five-year global stock take (GST) goal.


But the problem is that 95% of nations have no plan in place.

Do the math on these deadbeats.

The Paris Agreement began ten years and trillions of dollars ago, but no noticeable progress has been made.

And the United Nations admitted back in 2019 that the Paris Agreement or Accord was destined to fail.


Because even if every pledging nation met 100% of the UN mandates, they would still fall 2/3 short of meeting their targets.

This sounds like a job for DOGE.

But don’t hold your breath.

Ironically (or NOT) this was destined to fail because the targets were created with no regard for naturally occurring weather cycles.

As expected, of the 10 nations who complied with the latest deadline, the US and UK were the only G7 nations to submit plans. *

(*NOTE: the US submitted its plan before Donald Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement. This is yet another example of how the US has been funding globalist initiatives.)


Climate Pledge or Lie…



The bottom line here is Anyone can make a pledge and pander to the climate social justice warrior crowd.

But that does not mean they intend to follow through.


As a result, the pressure is placed on the nations who can pay up and are expected to cover the costs for others.

Ironically (or NOT) the real liar nations – who have been touting their lofty climate goals like Australia and Canada – plan to release their GST plans after elections as they use it as a bargaining chip.

So, if they know the goal can never be achieved then why continue with this folly?


Sad to say that history shows this will not prevent the United Nations from squeezing every last cent out of member nations.

We need to get out now.


So, keep your eye on how this affects energy stocks soon as the demand for fossil fuels go through the roof.


And learn how to prosper AND thrive from it in our February edition of “Simplifying Wall Street…In Plain English” (HERE).


Share this with a friend…especially if they are not a fan of the United Nations.  They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:

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