Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Ukraine’s Accountability for Our Billions

Our tax dollars given to Ukraine are well over $150 Billion and yet no one mentions anything about Ukraine’s Accountability for our billions.




It is a reasonable question.

And yet why can’t we get answers about what our money is being used for?


Afterall, in addition to our money, nations providing blank checks to Ukraine should know where their money is being spent.


First, we all know that a large portion of the money is circulated back into the Military-Industrial Complex…and stuffing politician’s pockets along the way.


As a result, Ukraine’s little pimp president Zelensky has accumulated untold fortunes including 8 mansions around the world.

In addition, his wife, First Lady Olena Zelenska, has been known to going on lavish shopping sprees in New York and other cities while her husband begs foreign nations for billions.


Cue up:  Latest reports claiming that First Lady Olena Zelenska purchased a $4.48 million Bugatti Tourbillon.


We haven’t been able to verify (yet) if it’s true.


But, someone from Bugatti’s Paris dealership leaked the information to the press, including a receipt of purchase.



Zelensky’s Accountability for Our Billions



It would appear that the Z couple wish to maintain their image like when they were on the cover of Vogue and other high-end fashion magazines.






So, what better way to do that than buy purchasing a $4.48 Million luxury sports car?


But this also begs the question:


Who in the world would feel the need to drive a V16 1,800-horse-powered vehicle around an allegedly war-torn nation?


Our bet is on the car being shipped to the Zelensky Mansion in Miami Beach.


Regardless, of who owns it and where they keep it, there remains the problem of Ukraine’s Accountability of our billions of tax dollars.


Even the Pentagon has admitted it cannot account for where billions of dollars toward Ukraine has gone.


In case you forgot, last year around this time, the Pentagon admitted that they lost $6.2 BILLION in aid for Ukraine due to an accounting error.

Accounting error?




Where did the money go?


Contractors? Politicians? Ukraine?


O’Biden’s handlers (Neocons running the White House) refuse to say.


The Bugatti story may be fake news, but Zelensky is undoubtedly profiting on this war.


In addition, all world leaders – spending endlessly on this war and making contributions to NATO – owe it to their tax-paying constituents to account for every dollar sent overseas.


But don’t hold your breath.


Especially when we are on the cusp of WW3.


Speaking of WW3, be sure to read where the best places are to put your money (during wartime) in our July issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).


Share this with a friend…even if they don’t know what a Bugatti Tourbillon is.  They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


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