Still stinging from being spanked in front of the entire world last Friday, the little Ukrainian pimp remains resolved in starting WW3 by telling Trump he will not apologize and that his country’s freedom is “not for sale”.
And this – coming from the greatest grifter in history whose nation has notoriously been the most corrupt country on the planet – makes you wonder if Zelenskyy was high on cocaine at the meeting.
Or maybe he never saw an episode of “The Sopranos” causing him to miss Trump’s signal.
This whole disaster has been glaring example of how (like Ukraine) the rest of the world feels entitled to US money and Security.
Think of it this way…
Imagine a wealthy man is approached by his friends often for loans which these friends rarely pay back.
He obliges out of generosity, but begins to suspect his friends are only interested in his wallet.
So, he makes an announcement that he is trying to get his finances in order and will not be lending any money for the next 90 days.
(Sounding familiar?)
Do his friends respond with understanding?
Instead, they call the man a criminal and cry endlessly about how their families will starve and the world will fall apart if he doesn’t keep filling their bottomless gullets with cash.
They even suggest he is deserving of retribution for daring to ask them to support themselves.
Ironically (or NOT) this has been the core dynamic between the US taxpayer and the rest of the western world for many decades.
And as a show of thanks, most of Europe is supporting the little pimp from Ukraine assuring him that he can defeat Russia without the USA.
Good luck with that.
Because “Without The US There Is No NATO And No Ukraine.”
READ: “Don’t Trust Ukraine” December 17, 2022 (HERE)
Not For Sale
Zelenskyy said his nations freedom is not for sale (to the US) but he is counting on Europe to continue the funding of his nations death wish.
And IF the EU Decides to go to war with Russia on behalf of a “NON-NATO” Country (Cough! Ukraine, Cough!) …
THEN there is no reason for NATO to exist—NOR—Should there be a need for the USA to participate in this meaningless ‘ALLIANCE.’
Especially since they knowingly & willingly are pushing for NUCLEAR WW3, while the USA wants PEACE.
America pulling out of NATO might well be the end of the EU.
And if that happens, everybody wins.
But as we have said in the past, Ukraine will likely not exist in the future.
Meanwhile, Putin would love the idea of Ukraine attacking Russia without USA backing.
Let us be very blunt here…
And learn how to make money from the Capital Controls coming from Europe (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they still think it’s a good thing to ‘Stand with Ukraine.’
They may or may not thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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