It may seem like a long time but it was only two years ago this week that we were forced into lockdowns.
And when that happened, we spoke up about the insanity of lockdowns and how they would destroy the economy.
FLASHBACK: From March 20, 2020:
Warning: You’re gonna need a Holy Rolling Tin Foil Hat to read this one.
You’ve been warned.
Every so often – when I’m doing my research for an article/email – I read or discover something that disturbs my spirit.
When that happens, I try to step back from what I’m seeing/reading and compare it with Scripture to see how it all adds up.
And let me just say that the madness we’re seeing in the world today is truly disturbing.
It just doesn’t make sense to shut down the world over a flu virus under the guise of “preventative measures.”
However, what’s really bothering me is an article I read about a proposal running around Washington.
It revolves around you having a digital certificate that verifies that YOU’VE BEEN VACCINATED.
Ironically (or NOT) it was developed by MIT and Microsoft.
And it involves having a microchip planted under your skin that Bill Gates argues won’t be an infringement on your privacy.
Yeah, sure.
Gates has also sought to impose mandatory chips in you.
It gets creepier…
They (Gates, Microsoft, The United Nations, and WHO) are trying to merge this idea with the nefarious ID2020 agenda…which conveniently combines vaccines and implantable devices…Go ahead, Google it.
It always starts out very innocently for your convenience, of course.
But with the rampant fear over the Kung Flu, the boyz could use this technology to restrict your access to food, goods, and numerous services.
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
~Revelation 13:17~
This isn’t even a conspiracy…it’s all out in the open.
The Big Pharma Boyz are purposely making everyone feel unsafe.
At the same time, they’re reassuring you saying things like:
“But don’t worry, once you get the Chip implanted, you can go back to your normal life.”
I wish I was kidding about this but I’m not.
And if we don’t speak out about this, we could all end up as targets for mandatory vaccines.
Ironically (or NOT) now, in March 202, no one seems concerned about the CoronaHoax anymore.
Their lies ran out of steam.
Cue up: World War III.
As we’ve said many times before, “Don’t Take the Bait.”
Instead, learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times (HERE).
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They’ll thank YOU later.
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