Is anyone surprised that some states are already saying they will need two extra weeks to count their ballots?
And with all of today’s technology this begs the question: “Why do they need two extra weeks?”
Maybe it has something to do with being unable to rig the 2024 election like they did in 2020 and 2022.
And speaking of 2020 and 2022…
This is another friendly reminder that four years ago we were under the siege of Medical Tyranny.
Back then we had real time data displaying “Covid Deaths” and “Covid Cases” to keep us in fear of a man-made pandemic.
And how – like we said many times before – that it was the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind in history.
READ: Public Confidence Will Never Be the Same October 21, 2022 (HERE)
But…and this is a very VERY Big Butt…
In 2024 we cannot even count the votes on election day…or even close to election day?
AND, the Boyz know of this issue in advance?
As a result, you should conclude that the longer it takes to tally the votes the less you should believe the results.
But there are several things we know for sure from the early voting numbers:
- It looks like it will be a Trump landslide
- The Dems are in panic mode with their “Trump is Hitler” campaign
- The threat of Civil Unrest if Trump wins is accelerating at a blurring pace
Two Extra Weeks to…
Ironically (or NOT) this entire joke about taking weeks to determine election results is an insult.
But, just like four years ago, the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes managed to keep everyone in a constant state of agitation with their “Up To The Second” count of Covid Deaths/Cases and no one made a peep. *
(*Actually, we made more than a peep about it)
READ: Global Perspective on Covid Deaths Simplified July 22, 2020
So, how were they able to be so accurate with Covid Death/Cases and yet we can’t get an accurate vote count?
Unfortunately, we’ll probably never know the answer.
Cue Up: Our Founding Fathers original intent…
What remains to be seen is how the losing parties (on both sides) scream bloody murder over the results.
Unfortunately, the thought of Govt fixing govt is like expecting cancer to cure cancer.
As a result, we expect more civil unrest going into 2025 and beyond.
And this begs the question: Are you prepared for it?
In the meantime, don’t just learn how to deal with it.
Learn how to prosper AND thrive in what we expect to be the Chaos of 2025 in our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they voted early. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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