The honeymoon for the stock market over Trump’s victory could be nearing an end. And he will be blamed for any future declines.
For the next four years the Boyz in the “Club” will find any excuse to blame Trump for any bad event that may happen.
And that includes wild swings in the stock market.
READ: Neocons Forcing WW3 on Trump (HERE)
So, are we saying that the market is going to crash soon?
Absolutely not.
We are simply pointing out that economic reality is eventually exposed.
And that’s when all the pundits/banksters chime in with their standard lines of:
“I’m shocked I tell you …Shocked…Who could’ve foreseen this happening?”
Meanwhile, they will all be laughing all the way to the bank after suckering in the retail investor to a market blow-off top.
But logically thinking the markets recent run to all time highs makes perfect sense.
Because stocks surged after the election on expectations of lower taxes and less regulation.
Even Fed Chairman Jerome Powell added his two cents worth last week when he said:
“The strength we are currently seeing in the economy gives us the ability to approach our decisions carefully. Ultimately, the path of the policy rate will depend on how the incoming data and the economic outlook evolve.”
Translation: The Fed is not cutting rates any time soon.
Will Be Blamed For…
Rest assured that Trump will be blamed for the bond market blowing up and the Presstitutes will conveniently ignore the fact that we cannot even pay the interest on our $36 Trillion national debt.
Speaking of Presstitutes, did anyone catch the hatchet job 60 Minutes did on Trump’s Cabinet picks?
The good news is that – thanks to the efforts of people like Elon Musk – most major media outlets have been exposed for their fraudulent (censorship) journalism practices.
And that their relevance is rapidly deteriorating as free speech looks like it will again prevail in America.
So, regardless of market setbacks – and there WILL BE setbacks – you should expect outrage over anything Trump does or says he plans on doing.
Especially when he gets around to the subject of Deportation…
Ironically (or NOT) the deportation of millions of illegal immigrants could be a major factor in easing the sting of economic realities that threaten our markets.
And if you really think about it, in addition to boosting our economy, Trump’s deportation plan is actually merciful when you look at it in the context of history.
Bottom line, here?
Use the blame game on Trump as opportunities to cherry pick some of the stocks you’ve been waiting to buy.
And be sure to look at the list we posted in our November “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
Share this with a friend…even if they are already blaming Trump for the problems caused by our outgoing administration. They’ll thank YOU later.
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